Fractal indicator to draw horizontal lines

Created at 15 Sep 2015


Joined 07.09.2015




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I want to implement a fractals indicator in cTrader with a new feature: a horizontal line extending to the right of the chart from each fractal point for the last X UpFractals and the last X DownFractals (X should be selectable by me).

So if X = 10 then there would be 20 lines drawn.

I would like to be able to pick the line colors (one color for UpFractals and a second color for Downfractals) and the line width/style also.

The solution should be a combination of the following two bits of code (code is at the links indicated):

/algos/indicators/show/142 (this one generates the correct points if Period = 50 but doesn't draw lines)

/algos/indicators/show/669 (this one draws a few horizontal lines but doesn't generate enough points)

Basically I want the best features of both. What should make this simple (I hope) is that the first Fractals indicator does everything I want EXCEPT it doesn't draw any lines. So it's probably the easiest starting point for you.

The Ever Trend Line indicator here ...


... does what I want. But it's very unreliable! Sometimes all the lines vanish for no particular reason -- just when I need them. If it's easier for you to debug the Ever Trend Lines indicator, then do that instead. But because it's 1,500 lines, it's probably a lot simpler to simply add a line drawing feature to the very first Fractals indicator I listed above. This one:


bachapk's avatar
bachapk · 8 years ago

bachapk's avatar
bachapk · 8 years ago


I can do it for you. Please contact