SS_SupportResistance.mq4 to Indicator in Ctrader

Created at 29 Jul 2015


Joined 03.11.2014




200.00 USD

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via  Freelancer

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int start()
   if (NewBar() == true)
      int old_zone_count = zone_count;

      if (zone_count < old_zone_count)

     if (zone_show_info == true)
        for (int i=0; i<zone_count; i++)
           string lbl;
           if (zone_strength[i] == ZONE_WEAK)
              lbl = "Weak";
           else if (zone_strength[i] == ZONE_VERIFIED)
              lbl = "Verified";
           else if (zone_strength[i] == ZONE_UNTESTED)
              lbl = "Untested";
           else if (zone_strength[i] == ZONE_TURNCOAT)
              lbl = "Turncoat";
              lbl = "Possible";
           if (zone_type[i] == ZONE_SUPPORT)
              lbl = lbl + " Support";
              lbl = lbl + " Resistance";
           if (zone_hits[i] > 0 && zone_strength[i] > ZONE_UNTESTED)
              if (zone_hits[i] == 1)
                 lbl = lbl + ", Test Count=" + zone_hits[i];                 
                 lbl = lbl + ", Test Count=" + zone_hits[i];                 
           int adjust_hpos;
           int wbpc = WindowBarsPerChart();
           int k;
           k = Period() * 60 + (20 + StringLen(lbl));
           if (wbpc < 80)  
              adjust_hpos = iTime(NULL, TimeFrame, LastBar + 0) + k * 4;
           else if (wbpc < 125)  
              adjust_hpos = iTime(NULL, TimeFrame, LastBar + 0) + k * 8;
           else if (wbpc < 250)
              adjust_hpos = iTime(NULL, TimeFrame, LastBar + 0) + k * 15;
           else if (wbpc < 480)
              adjust_hpos = iTime(NULL, TimeFrame, LastBar + 0) + k * 29;
           else if (wbpc < 950)
              adjust_hpos = iTime(NULL, TimeFrame, LastBar + 0) + k * 58;
              adjust_hpos = iTime(NULL, TimeFrame, LastBar + 0) + k * 115;
           if (LastBar > 0)
             int shift = - 77 * Period() * 60; //maybe we should use   -zone_label_shift * k
             shift = k * zone_label_shift;
           double vpos = zone_hi[i] - (zone_hi[i] - zone_lo[i]) / 2;
           string s = "SSSR#"+i+"LBL";
           ObjectCreate(s, OBJ_TEXT, 0, 0, 0);
           ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_TIME1, adjust_hpos + shift);
           ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_PRICE1, vpos);
           ObjectSetText(s, StringRightPad(lbl, 36, " "), size_label, font_label, color_label);


void OnChartEvent(const int id, const long &lparam, const double &dparam, const string &sparam){   
    if (sparam == BtnSRTesting){
      Testing = !Testing;
      if (Testing)
        ObjectSetInteger(0, BtnSRTesting, OBJPROP_BGCOLOR, C'236,233,216');   
        ObjectSetInteger(0, BtnSRTesting, OBJPROP_BGCOLOR, clrSlateGray);
  if (Testing && Initialized && id == CHARTEVENT_CHART_CHANGE){
    int PrevLastBar = LastBar;
    if (LastBar > 0){
      //ExtDownFractalsBuffer[LastBar] = PrevDn;      
      LastBar = 0;
    LastBar = GetNextBar(0);    
    if (Testing && PrevLastBar > 0 && LastBar >= 0 && PrevLastBar != LastBar)

void CheckAlerts()
   static int lastalert = 0;

   if (zone_show_alerts == false)

   if (Time[0] - lastalert > zone_alert_waitseconds)
      if (CheckEntryAlerts() == true)
         lastalert = Time[0];

bool CheckEntryAlerts()
   // check for entries
   for (int i=0; i<zone_count; i++)
      if (Close[0] >= zone_lo[i] && Close[0] < zone_hi[i])
         if (zone_show_alerts == true)
            if (zone_alert_popups == true)
               if (zone_type[i] == ZONE_SUPPORT)
                  Alert(Symbol() + TimeFrameToString(TimeFrame) + ": Support Zone Entered");
                  Alert(Symbol() + TimeFrameToString(TimeFrame) + ": Resistance Zone Entered");

            if (zone_alert_sounds == true)
         if (send_email == true)
            string dir = "";
            string msg = StringConcatenate(Symbol(), "-", TimeFrameToString(TimeFrame), " at ", TimeToStr(Time[0], TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS),
                                           " ", dir, " Zone Entered");
            if (zone_type[i] == ZONE_SUPPORT)
               dir = "Support";
               SendMail("SS_SupRes_v04c alert", msg);
               dir = "Resistance";
               SendMail("SS_SupRes_v04c alert", msg);


void DeleteGlobalVars()
   if (SetGlobals == false)


   int old_count = zone_count;
   zone_count = 0;

void DeleteOldGlobalVars(int old_count)
   if (SetGlobals == false)

   for (int i=zone_count; i<old_count; i++)

void FindZones()
   int i, j, shift, bustcount=0, testcount = 0, brokebar;
   double hival, loval;
   bool turned = false, hasturned = false;

   double temp_hi[1000], temp_lo[1000];
   int    temp_start[1000], temp_hits[1000], temp_strength[1000], temp_count = 0;
   bool   temp_turn[1000], temp_merge[1000];
   double bust_hi[1000], bust_lo[1000];
   int    bust_start[1000], bust_hits[1000], bust_strength[1000], bust_end[1000], bust_count = 0;
   bool   bust_turn[1000], bust_merge[1000];
   int merge1[1000], merge2[1000], merge_count = 0;
   int berge1[1000], berge2[1000], berge_count = 0;

   // iterate through zones from oldest to youngest (ignore recent 5 bars),
   // finding those that have survived through to the present...
   for (shift=MathMin(Bars(NULL, TimeFrame)-1, LastBar + BackLimit); shift> LastBar + 5; shift--)
      double atr = iATR(NULL, TimeFrame, 7, shift);
      double fu = atr/2 * zone_fuzzfactor;
      bool isPossible;
      bool touchOk = false;
      bool isBust = false;
      double close = iClose(NULL, TimeFrame, shift);
      double high  = iHigh(NULL, TimeFrame, shift);
      double low   = iLow(NULL, TimeFrame, shift);
      double hi_i;
      double lo_i;

      if (FastUpPts[shift] > 0.001)
         // a zigzag high point
         isPossible = true;
         if (SlowUpPts[shift] > 0.001)
            isPossible = false;

         hival = high;
         if (zone_extend == true)
            hival += fu;

         loval = MathMax(MathMin(close, high-fu), high-fu*2);
         turned = false;
         hasturned = false;
         isBust = false;

         bustcount = 0;
         testcount = 0;
         brokebar = 0;

         for (i=shift-1; i>=LastBar + 0; i--)
            hi_i = iHigh(NULL, TimeFrame, i);
            lo_i = iLow(NULL, TimeFrame, i);

            if ((turned == false && FastUpPts[i] >= loval && FastUpPts[i] <= hival) ||
                (turned == true && FastDnPts[i] <= hival && FastDnPts[i] >= loval))
               // Potential touch, just make sure its been 10+candles since the prev one
               touchOk = true;
               for (j=i+1; j<i+11; j++)
                  if ((turned == false && FastUpPts[j] >= loval && FastUpPts[j] <= hival) ||
                      (turned == true && FastDnPts[j] <= hival && FastDnPts[j] >= loval))
                     touchOk = false;

               if (touchOk == true)
                  // we have a touch.  If its been busted once, remove bustcount
                  // as we know this level is still valid & has just switched sides
                  bustcount = 0;

            if ((turned == false && hi_i > hival) ||
                (turned == true && lo_i < loval))
               // this level has been busted at least once
               brokebar = MathMax(brokebar, i);

               if (bustcount > 1 || isPossible == true)
                  // busted twice or more
                  isBust = true;

               if (turned == true)
                  turned = false;
               else if (turned == false)
                  turned = true;

               hasturned = true;

               // forget previous hits
               testcount = 0;

         if (isBust == false)
            // level is still valid, add to our list
            temp_hi[temp_count] = hival;
            temp_lo[temp_count] = loval;
            temp_turn[temp_count] = hasturned;
            temp_hits[temp_count] = testcount;
            temp_start[temp_count] = shift;
            temp_merge[temp_count] = false;
            if (testcount > 3)
               temp_strength[temp_count] = ZONE_WEAK;
            else if (testcount > 0)
               temp_strength[temp_count] = ZONE_VERIFIED;
            else if (hasturned == true)
               temp_strength[temp_count] = ZONE_TURNCOAT;
            else if (isPossible == false)
               temp_strength[temp_count] = ZONE_UNTESTED;
               temp_strength[temp_count] = ZONE_POSSIBLE;

         else if (zone_showbroken)
            // level is broken, but we're showing it anyway
            bust_hi[bust_count] = hival;
            bust_lo[bust_count] = loval;
            bust_turn[bust_count] = hasturned;
            bust_hits[bust_count] = testcount;
            bust_start[bust_count] = shift;
            bust_end[bust_count] = brokebar;
            bust_merge[bust_count] = false;

            if (testcount > 3)
               bust_strength[bust_count] = ZONE_WEAK;
            else if (testcount > 0)
               bust_strength[bust_count] = ZONE_VERIFIED;
            else if (hasturned == true)
               bust_strength[bust_count] = ZONE_TURNCOAT;
            else if (isPossible == false)
               bust_strength[bust_count] = ZONE_UNTESTED;
               bust_strength[bust_count] = ZONE_POSSIBLE;

      else if (FastDnPts[shift] > 0.001)
         // a zigzag low point
         isPossible = true;
         if (SlowDnPts[shift] > 0.001)
            isPossible = false;

         loval = low;
         if (zone_extend == true)
            loval -= fu;

         hival = MathMin(MathMax(close, low+fu), low+fu*2);
         turned = false;
         hasturned = false;

         bustcount = 0;
         testcount = 0;
         brokebar  = 0;
         isBust = false;

         for (i=shift-1; i>=LastBar + 0; i--)
            hi_i = iHigh(NULL, TimeFrame, i);
            lo_i = iLow(NULL, TimeFrame, i);

            if ((turned == true && FastUpPts[i] >= loval && FastUpPts[i] <= hival) ||
                (turned == false && FastDnPts[i] <= hival && FastDnPts[i] >= loval))
               // Potential touch, just make sure its been 10+candles since the prev one
               touchOk = true;
               for (j=i+1; j<i+11; j++)
                  if ((turned == true && FastUpPts[j] >= loval && FastUpPts[j] <= hival) ||
                      (turned == false && FastDnPts[j] <= hival && FastDnPts[j] >= loval))
                     touchOk = false;

               if (touchOk == true)
                  // we have a touch.  If its been busted once, remove bustcount
                  // as we know this level is still valid & has just switched sides
                  bustcount = 0;

            if ((turned == true && hi_i > hival) ||
                (turned == false && lo_i < loval))
               // this level has been busted at least once
               brokebar = MathMax(brokebar, i);

               if (bustcount > 1 || isPossible == true)
                  // busted twice or more
                  isBust = true;

               if (turned == true)
                  turned = false;
               else if (turned == false)
                  turned = true;

               hasturned = true;

               // forget previous hits
               testcount = 0;

         if (isBust == false)
            // level is still valid, add to our list
            temp_hi[temp_count] = hival;
            temp_lo[temp_count] = loval;
            temp_turn[temp_count] = hasturned;
            temp_hits[temp_count] = testcount;
            temp_start[temp_count] = shift;
            temp_merge[temp_count] = false;

            if (testcount > 3)
               temp_strength[temp_count] = ZONE_WEAK;
            else if (testcount > 0)
               temp_strength[temp_count] = ZONE_VERIFIED;
            else if (hasturned == true)
               temp_strength[temp_count] = ZONE_TURNCOAT;
            else if (isPossible == false)
               temp_strength[temp_count] = ZONE_UNTESTED;
               temp_strength[temp_count] = ZONE_POSSIBLE;

         else if (zone_showbroken)
            // level is broken, but we're showing it anyway
            bust_hi[bust_count] = hival;
            bust_lo[bust_count] = loval;
            bust_turn[bust_count] = hasturned;
            bust_hits[bust_count] = testcount;
            bust_start[bust_count] = shift;
            bust_end[bust_count] = brokebar;
            bust_merge[bust_count] = false;

            if (testcount > 3)
               bust_strength[bust_count] = ZONE_WEAK;
            else if (testcount > 0)
               bust_strength[bust_count] = ZONE_VERIFIED;
            else if (hasturned == true)
               bust_strength[bust_count] = ZONE_TURNCOAT;
            else if (isPossible == false)
               bust_strength[bust_count] = ZONE_UNTESTED;
               bust_strength[bust_count] = ZONE_POSSIBLE;


   // look for overlapping zones...
   if (zone_merge == true)
      merge_count = 1;
      int iterations = 0, target, source;
      while (merge_count > 0 && iterations < 3)
         merge_count = 0;

         for (i = 0; i < temp_count; i++)
            temp_merge[i] = false;

         for (i = 0; i < temp_count-1; i++)
            if (temp_hits[i] == -1 || temp_merge[j] == true)

            for (j = i+1; j < temp_count; j++)
               if (temp_hits[j] == -1 || temp_merge[j] == true)

               if ((temp_hi[i] >= temp_lo[j] && temp_hi[i] <= temp_hi[j]) ||
                   (temp_lo[i] <= temp_hi[j] && temp_lo[i] >= temp_lo[j]) ||
                   (temp_hi[j] >= temp_lo[i] && temp_hi[j] <= temp_hi[i]) ||
                   (temp_lo[j] <= temp_hi[i] && temp_lo[j] >= temp_lo[i]))
                  merge1[merge_count] = i;
                  merge2[merge_count] = j;
                  temp_merge[i] = true;
                  temp_merge[j] = true;

         // ... and merge them ...
         for (i=0; i<merge_count; i++)
            target = merge1[i];
            source = merge2[i];

            temp_hi[target] = MathMax(temp_hi[target], temp_hi[source]);
            temp_lo[target] = MathMin(temp_lo[target], temp_lo[source]);
            temp_hits[target] += temp_hits[source];
            temp_start[target] = MathMax(temp_start[target], temp_start[source]);
            temp_strength[target] = MathMax(temp_strength[target], temp_strength[source]);
            if (temp_hits[target] > 3)
               temp_strength[target] = ZONE_WEAK;

            if (temp_hits[target] == 0 && temp_turn[target] == false)
               temp_hits[target] = 1;
               if (temp_strength[target] < ZONE_VERIFIED)
                  temp_strength[target] = ZONE_VERIFIED;

            if (temp_turn[target] == false || temp_turn[source] == false)
               temp_turn[target] = false;
            if (temp_turn[target] == true)
               temp_hits[target] = 0;

            temp_hits[source] = -1;
      if (zone_showbroken)
         // merge busted zones
         berge_count = 1;
         iterations = 0;
         while (berge_count > 0 && iterations < 3)
            berge_count = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < bust_count; i++)
               bust_merge[i] = false;

            for (i = 0; i < bust_count-1; i++)
               if (bust_hits[i] == -1 || bust_merge[j] == true)

               for (j = i+1; j < bust_count; j++)
                  if (bust_hits[j] == -1 || bust_merge[j] == true)

                  if ((bust_hi[i] >= bust_lo[j] && bust_hi[i] <= bust_hi[j]) ||
                      (bust_lo[i] <= bust_hi[j] && bust_lo[i] >= bust_lo[j]) ||
                      (bust_hi[j] >= bust_lo[i] && bust_hi[j] <= bust_hi[i]) ||
                      (bust_lo[j] <= bust_hi[i] && bust_lo[j] >= bust_lo[i]))
                     berge1[berge_count] = i;
                     berge2[berge_count] = j;
                     bust_merge[i] = true;
                     bust_merge[j] = true;

            // ... and merge them ...
            for (i=0; i<berge_count; i++)
               target = berge1[i];
               source = berge2[i];

               bust_hi[target] = MathMax(bust_hi[target], bust_hi[source]);
               bust_lo[target] = MathMin(bust_lo[target], bust_lo[source]);
               bust_hits[target] += bust_hits[source];
               bust_start[target] = MathMax(bust_start[target], bust_start[source]);
               bust_end[target] = MathMax(bust_end[target], bust_end[source]);
               bust_strength[target] = MathMax(bust_strength[target], bust_strength[source]);
               if (bust_hits[target] > 3)
                  bust_strength[target] = ZONE_WEAK;

               if (bust_hits[target] == 0 && bust_turn[target] == false)
                  bust_hits[target] = 1;
                  if (bust_strength[target] < ZONE_VERIFIED)
                     bust_strength[target] = ZONE_VERIFIED;

               if (bust_turn[target] == false || bust_turn[source] == false)
                  bust_turn[target] = false;
               if (bust_turn[target] == true)
                  bust_hits[target] = 0;

               bust_hits[source] = -1;

   // copy the remaining list into our official zones arrays
   zone_count = 0;
   for (i=0; i<temp_count; i++)
      if (temp_hits[i] >= 0 && zone_count < zone_limit)
         zone_hi[zone_count]       = temp_hi[i];
         zone_lo[zone_count]       = temp_lo[i];
         zone_hits[zone_count]     = temp_hits[i];
         zone_turn[zone_count]     = temp_turn[i];
         zone_start[zone_count]    = temp_start[i];
         zone_strength[zone_count] = temp_strength[i];
         zone_end[zone_count]      = LastBar + 0;
         if (zone_hi[zone_count] < iClose(NULL, TimeFrame, LastBar + 4))
            zone_type[zone_count] = ZONE_SUPPORT;
         else if (zone_lo[zone_count] > iClose(NULL, TimeFrame, LastBar + 4))
            zone_type[zone_count] = ZONE_RESIST;
            for (j=LastBar + 5; j< LastBar + 1000; j++)
               if (iClose(NULL, TimeFrame, j) < zone_lo[zone_count])
                  zone_type[zone_count] = ZONE_RESIST;
               else if (iClose(NULL, TimeFrame, j) > zone_hi[zone_count])
                  zone_type[zone_count] = ZONE_SUPPORT;

            if (j == LastBar + 1000)
               zone_type[zone_count] = ZONE_SUPPORT;


   if (zone_showbroken)
      for (i=bust_count-1; i>=0; i--)
         if (bust_hits[i] >= 0 && zone_count < zone_limit)
            zone_hi[zone_count]       = bust_hi[i];
            zone_lo[zone_count]       = bust_lo[i];
            zone_hits[zone_count]     = bust_hits[i];
            zone_turn[zone_count]     = bust_turn[i];
            zone_start[zone_count]    = bust_start[i];
            zone_strength[zone_count] = bust_strength[i];
            zone_end[zone_count]      = bust_end[i];
            zone_type[zone_count]     = ZONE_BROKEN;

void DrawZones()
   if (SetGlobals == true)
      GlobalVariableSet("SSSR_Count_"+Symbol()+TimeFrame, zone_count);
      GlobalVariableSet("SSSR_Updated_"+Symbol()+TimeFrame, TimeCurrent());

   for (int i=0; i<zone_count; i++)
      if (zone_strength[i] == ZONE_POSSIBLE && zone_show_possible == false)

      string s = "SSSR#"+i+" Strength=";
      if (zone_strength[i] == ZONE_WEAK)
         s = s + "Weak, Test Count=" + zone_hits[i];
      else if (zone_strength[i] == ZONE_VERIFIED)
         s = s + "Verified, Test Count=" + zone_hits[i];
      else if (zone_strength[i] == ZONE_UNTESTED)
         s = s + "Untested";
      else if (zone_strength[i] == ZONE_TURNCOAT)
         s = s + "Turncoat";
         s = s + "Possible";

      ObjectCreate(s, OBJ_RECTANGLE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_TIME1, iTime(NULL, TimeFrame, zone_start[i]));
      if (LastBar > 0)
        ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_TIME2, iTime(NULL, TimeFrame, zone_end[i]) - ShiftEndRight * Period() * 60);
        ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_TIME2, iTime(NULL, TimeFrame, zone_end[i]) + ShiftEndRight * Period() * 60);
      ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_PRICE1, zone_hi[i]);
      ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_PRICE2, zone_lo[i]);
      ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_BACK, zone_solid);
      ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_WIDTH, zone_linewidth);
      ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_STYLE, zone_style);

      if (zone_type[i] == ZONE_SUPPORT)
         // support zone
         if (zone_strength[i] == ZONE_TURNCOAT)
            ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_COLOR, color_support_turncoat);
         else if (zone_strength[i] == ZONE_WEAK)
            ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_COLOR, color_support_weak);
         else if (zone_strength[i] == ZONE_VERIFIED)
            ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_COLOR, color_support_verified);
         else if (zone_strength[i] == ZONE_UNTESTED)
            ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_COLOR, color_support_untested);
            ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_COLOR, color_support_possible);
      else if (zone_type[i] == ZONE_RESIST)
         // resistance zone
         if (zone_strength[i] == ZONE_TURNCOAT)
            ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_COLOR, color_resist_turncoat);
         else if (zone_strength[i] == ZONE_WEAK)
            ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_COLOR, color_resist_weak);
         else if (zone_strength[i] == ZONE_VERIFIED)
            ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_COLOR, color_resist_verified);
         else if (zone_strength[i] == ZONE_UNTESTED)
            ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_COLOR, color_resist_untested);
            ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_COLOR, color_resist_possible);
      else  // broken zones
         if (zone_strength[i] == ZONE_WEAK)
            ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_COLOR, color_broken_weak);
         else if (zone_strength[i] == ZONE_VERIFIED)
            ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_COLOR, color_broken_verified);
            ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_COLOR, color_broken_other);

      if (SetGlobals == true && zone_type[i] != ZONE_BROKEN)
         GlobalVariableSet("SSSR_HI_"+Symbol()+TimeFrame+i, zone_hi[i]);
         GlobalVariableSet("SSSR_LO_"+Symbol()+TimeFrame+i, zone_lo[i]);
         GlobalVariableSet("SSSR_HITS_"+Symbol()+TimeFrame+i, zone_hits[i]);
         GlobalVariableSet("SSSR_STRENGTH_"+Symbol()+TimeFrame+i, zone_strength[i]);
         GlobalVariableSet("SSSR_AGE_"+Symbol()+TimeFrame+i, zone_start[i]);

bool Fractal(int M, int P, int shift)
   if (TimeFrame > P)
      P = TimeFrame;
   P = P / TimeFrame*2 + MathCeil(P / TimeFrame / 2);
   if (shift < P)

   if (shift > Bars(Symbol(), TimeFrame)-P)
   for (int i=1; i<=P; i++)
      if (M == UP_POINT)
         if (iHigh(NULL, TimeFrame, shift+i) > iHigh(NULL, TimeFrame, shift))
         if (iHigh(NULL, TimeFrame, shift-i) >= iHigh(NULL, TimeFrame, shift))
      if (M == DN_POINT)
         if (iLow(NULL, TimeFrame, shift+i) < iLow(NULL, TimeFrame, shift))
         if (iLow(NULL, TimeFrame, shift-i) <= iLow(NULL, TimeFrame, shift))

void FastFractals()
   int counted = IndicatorCounted();
   int shift, limit;
   int P = TimeFrame * fractal_fast_factor;

   if (counted < 0) return;
   /** /
   if (counted > 0) 
      limit = MathMin(BackLimit, MathMax(P, Bars(NULL, TimeFrame) - counted));
      limit = MathMin(BackLimit, Bars(NULL, TimeFrame)-1);
   limit = MathMin(LastBar + BackLimit, Bars(NULL, TimeFrame)-1); 
   //limit = MathMin(Bars-1, limit);

   FastUpPts[0] = 0.0; FastUpPts[1] = 0.0;
   FastDnPts[0] = 0.0; FastDnPts[1] = 0.0;

   for (shift=limit; shift> LastBar + 1; shift--)
      if (Fractal(UP_POINT, P, shift) == true)
         FastUpPts[shift] = iHigh(NULL, TimeFrame, shift);
         FastUpPts[shift] = 0.0;

      if (Fractal(DN_POINT, P, shift) == true)
         FastDnPts[shift] = iLow(NULL, TimeFrame, shift);
         FastDnPts[shift] = 0.0;

void SlowFractals()
   int counted = IndicatorCounted();
   int shift, limit;
   int P = TimeFrame * fractal_slow_factor;

   if (counted < 0) return;
   /** /
   if (counted > 0) 
      limit = MathMin(BackLimit, MathMax(P, Bars(NULL, TimeFrame) - counted));
      limit = MathMin(BackLimit, Bars(NULL, TimeFrame)-1);
   limit = MathMin(LastBar + BackLimit, Bars(NULL, TimeFrame)-1);   
   // limit = MathMin(Bars-1, limit);

   SlowUpPts[0] = 0.0; SlowUpPts[1] = 0.0;
   SlowDnPts[0] = 0.0; SlowDnPts[1] = 0.0;

   for (shift=limit; shift> LastBar + 1; shift--)
      if (Fractal(UP_POINT, P, shift) == true)
         SlowUpPts[shift] = iHigh(NULL, TimeFrame, shift);
         SlowUpPts[shift] = 0.0;

      if (Fractal(DN_POINT, P, shift) == true)
         SlowDnPts[shift] = iLow(NULL, TimeFrame, shift);
         SlowDnPts[shift] = 0.0;

bool NewBar()
{  if (Testing)
     int Shift = LastBar;
     Shift = 0;
   static datetime LastTime = 0;
   if (iTime(NULL, TimeFrame, Shift) != LastTime)
      LastTime = iTime(NULL, TimeFrame, Shift) + time_offset;
      return (true);
      return (false);

void DeleteZones()
   int len = 5;
   int i;

   while (i < ObjectsTotal())
      string objName = ObjectName(i);
      string objDesc = ObjectDescription(i);
      if (StringSubstr(objName, 0, len) != "SSSR#")


string TimeFrameToString(int tf) //code by TRO
   string tfs;

      case PERIOD_M1:
         tfs = "M1"  ;
      case PERIOD_M5:
         tfs = "M5"  ;
      case PERIOD_M15:
         tfs = "M15" ;
      case PERIOD_M30:
         tfs = "M30" ;
      case PERIOD_H1:
         tfs = "H1"  ;
      case PERIOD_H4:
         tfs = "H4"  ;
      case PERIOD_D1:
         tfs = "D1"  ;
      case PERIOD_W1:
         tfs = "W1"  ;
      case PERIOD_MN1:
         tfs = "MN";


string StringRepeat(string str, int n = 1)
  string outstr = "";
  for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) outstr = outstr + str;

string StringRightPad(string str, int n=1, string str2=" ")
  return(str + StringRepeat(str2,n-StringLen(str)));

void GetPipInfo(){   
//---- Automatically adjust one decimal place left for Gold
   if (Symbol()=="XAUUSD" || Symbol()=="GOLD") 
      PipSize = 0.1;
   else{ //not GOLD   
     switch (Digits) {
     case 6:
     case 5:
        PipSize = 0.0001;
     case 4:
        PipSize = 0.0001;
     case 3:
        PipSize = 0.01;
     case 2:
        PipSize = 0.01;
     case 1:
        PipSize = 0.1;

bool ButtonCreate(const long              chart_ID=0,               // chart's ID
                  const string            name="Button",            // button name
                  const int               sub_window=0,             // subwindow index
                  const int               x=0,                      // X coordinate
                  const int               y=0,                      // Y coordinate
                  const int               width=50,                 // button width
                  const int               height=18,                // button height
                  const ENUM_BASE_CORNER  corner=CORNER_LEFT_UPPER, // chart corner for anchoring
                  const string            text="Button",            // text
                  const string            font="Arial",             // font
                  const int               font_size=10,             // font size
                  const color             clr=clrBlack,             // text color
                  const color             back_clr=C'236,233,216',  // background color
                  const color             border_clr=clrNONE,       // border color
                  const bool              state=false,              // pressed/released
                  const bool              back=false,               // in the background
                  const bool              selection=false,          // highlight to move
                  const bool              hidden=false,              // hidden in the object list
                  const long              z_order=15)                // priority for mouse click
//--- reset the error value
//--- create the button
   if (ObjectFind(chart_ID, name) < 0)
              ": failed to create the button! Error code = ",GetLastError());
//--- set button coordinates
//--- set button size
//--- set the chart's corner, relative to which point coordinates are defined
//--- set the text
//--- set text font
//--- set font size
//--- set text color
//--- set background color
//--- set border color
//--- display in the foreground (false) or background (true)
//--- set button state
//--- enable (true) or disable (false) the mode of moving the button by mouse
//--- hide (true) or display (false) graphical object name in the object list
//--- set the priority for receiving the event of a mouse click in the chart
//--- successful execution
int GetNextBar(int Shift = 0){ //Zwraca nr ostatniego widocznego po prawej BAR'a. Shift -> RIGTH
  int MinBar = ChartFirstVisibleBar();
  int ChartW = ChartWidthInBars();
  if (ChartShiftGet()){
    double ShiftMargin = ChartShiftSizeGet();
    if (ShiftMargin > 0)
      ChartW = (int)MathRound((100.0 - ShiftMargin)*(double)ChartW/100.0);  
  int MaxBar = MinBar - ChartW;
  MaxBar = MaxBar - Shift;
  if (MaxBar < 0)
    MaxBar = 0;

int ChartFirstVisibleBar(const long chart_ID=0)
//--- prepare the variable to get the property value
   long result=-1;
//--- reset the error value
//--- receive the property value
      //--- display the error message in Experts journal
      Print(__FUNCTION__+", Error Code = ",GetLastError());
//--- return the value of the chart property
int ChartWidthInBars(const long chart_ID=0)
//--- prepare the variable to get the property value
   long result=-1;
//--- reset the error value
//--- receive the property value
      //--- display the error message in Experts journal
      Print(__FUNCTION__+", Error Code = ",GetLastError());
//--- return the value of the chart property
double ChartShiftSizeGet(const long chart_ID=0)
//--- prepare the variable to get the result
   double result=EMPTY_VALUE;
//--- reset the error value
//--- receive the property value
      //--- display the error message in Experts journal
      Print(__FUNCTION__+", Error Code = ",GetLastError());
//--- return the value of the chart property
  bool ChartShiftGet(const long chart_ID=0)
//--- prepare the variable to get the property value
   long value;
//--- reset the error value
//--- receive the property value
      //--- display the error message in Experts journal
      Print(__FUNCTION__+", Error Code = ",GetLastError());
//--- store the value of the chart property in memory
//--- successful execution
  if (value > 0)

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s.boozini.s · 8 years ago


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bachapk's avatar
bachapk · 8 years ago


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