convert mql4 indicator to ctrader file

Created at 31 May 2015


Joined 15.03.2014




30.00 USD

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Direct Payment

Job Description


i want convert this mql4 indicator to ctrader file.

#property copyright "Copyright 2013"
#property link      ""

#property indicator_chart_window

extern int FontSize = 16;
int Gia_84[13] = {251, 251, 251, 251, 251, 251, 251, 251, 251, 251,251,251,251};
bool Gba_88[13] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,0,0};
string Gsa_92[13] = {"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "","","",""};
string Gsa_96[13] = {"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "","","",""};
datetime G_time_100 = 1;
double Gd_unused_104;
int G_count_112 = 0;

// E37F0136AA3FFAF149B351F6A4C948E9
int init() {
   double iclose_0;
   int Lia_unused_8[];
   if (Point == 0.00001) Gd_unused_104 = 0.0001;
   else {
      if (Point == 0.001) Gd_unused_104 = 0.01;
      else Gd_unused_104 = Point;
   G_time_100 = Time[0];
   for (int index_12 = 0; index_12 <= ArraySize(Gsa_80) - 1; index_12++) for (int Li_16 = 0; Li_16 <= 3; Li_16++) iclose_0 = iClose(Gsa_80[index_12], 0, Li_16);
   return (0);

// 52D46093050F38C27267BCE42543EF60
int deinit() {
   return (0);

// C221A17B360C36A473B962FBBDF51DA3
void f0_4() {
   for (int Li_0 = ObjectsTotal() - 1; Li_0 >= 0; Li_0--)
      if (StringSubstr(ObjectName(Li_0), 0, StringLen("Ben Binary Indicator")) == "Ben Binary Indicator") ObjectDelete(ObjectName(Li_0));

// ED527DFD7147F55A900CF91EA8B9A467
void f0_6(color A_color_0) {
   string name_12;
   int fontsize_4 = 100;
   int Li_8 = 133;
   for (int count_20 = 0; count_20 < 4; count_20++) {
      for (int count_24 = 0; count_24 < 4; count_24++) {
         name_12 = "Ben Binary Indicator" + "-bgblock-" + ((count_20 + 1)) + "-" + ((count_24 + 1));
         if (ObjectFind(name_12) == -1) ObjectCreate(name_12, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
         ObjectSetText(name_12, "g", fontsize_4, "Webdings", A_color_0);
         ObjectSet(name_12, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, Li_8 * count_20 + 4);
         ObjectSet(name_12, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, Li_8 * count_24 + 20);
         ObjectSet(name_12, OBJPROP_COLOR, A_color_0);
         ObjectSet(name_12, OBJPROP_FONTSIZE, fontsize_4);

// C78C6CE47D21092278DDCB1713B15763
void f0_5(int Ai_0, color A_color_4, int Ai_8) {
   string name_12 = "Ben Binary Indicator" + "-parrow-" + Ai_0;
   if (ObjectFind(name_12) == -1) ObjectCreate(name_12, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
   ObjectSetText(name_12, CharToStr(Ai_8), FontSize, "Wingdings", A_color_4);
   ObjectSet(name_12, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 230);
   ObjectSet(name_12, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, Ai_0 * FontSize * 2 + 60);
   ObjectSet(name_12, OBJPROP_COLOR, A_color_4);
   ObjectSet(name_12, OBJPROP_FONTSIZE, FontSize);
   ObjectSet(name_12, OBJPROP_BACK, FALSE);

// 2E19B008659812AC2C3D6D6F879D9E70
void f0_1(int Ai_0, string As_4, int A_x_12, color A_color_16, string A_text_20) {
   string name_28 = "Ben Binary Indicator" + "-" + As_4 + "-" + Ai_0;
   if (ObjectFind(name_28) == -1) ObjectCreate(name_28, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
   ObjectSetText(name_28, A_text_20, FontSize, "Tahoma", A_color_16);
   ObjectSet(name_28, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, A_x_12);
   ObjectSet(name_28, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, Ai_0 * FontSize * 2 + 60);
   ObjectSet(name_28, OBJPROP_COLOR, A_color_16);
   ObjectSet(name_28, OBJPROP_FONTSIZE, FontSize);
   ObjectSet(name_28, OBJPROP_BACK, FALSE);

// 3615EE2C04E2B67B734E47180D26EF4D
void f0_2() {
   color color_0 = Silver;
   int x_4 = 20;
   int y_8 = 30;
   string name_12 = "Ben Binary Indicator" + "-scanning";
   if (ObjectFind(name_12) == -1) ObjectCreate(name_12, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
   ObjectSetText(name_12, "Looking for trades", FontSize, "Arial", color_0);
   ObjectSet(name_12, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x_4);
   ObjectSet(name_12, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y_8);
   ObjectSet(name_12, OBJPROP_COLOR, color_0);
   ObjectSet(name_12, OBJPROP_FONTSIZE, FontSize);
   ObjectSet(name_12, OBJPROP_BACK, FALSE);
   for (int count_20 = 0; count_20 < 4; count_20++) {
      name_12 = "Ben Binary Indicator" + "-scan-" + count_20;
      if (count_20 <= G_count_112) {
         if (ObjectFind(name_12) == -1) ObjectCreate(name_12, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
         ObjectSetText(name_12, CharToStr(52), 10, "Webdings", color_0);
         ObjectSet(name_12, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x_4 + 180 + 10 * count_20);
         ObjectSet(name_12, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y_8 + 4);
         ObjectSet(name_12, OBJPROP_COLOR, color_0);
         ObjectSet(name_12, OBJPROP_FONTSIZE, 10);
         ObjectSet(name_12, OBJPROP_BACK, FALSE);
      } else
         if (ObjectFind(name_12) > -1) ObjectDelete(name_12);
   if (G_count_112 > 4) G_count_112 = 0;

// 0BEB11C60932324283D99AE1621CE4EA
int f0_0(string A_symbol_0, int Ai_8) {
   return (iClose(A_symbol_0, 0, Ai_8) > iOpen(A_symbol_0, 0, Ai_8));

// 9D2B54D8854E5058E9165CC517FF5612
int f0_3(string A_symbol_0, int Ai_8) {
   return (iOpen(A_symbol_0, 0, Ai_8) > iClose(A_symbol_0, 0, Ai_8));

// EA2B2676C28C0DB26D39331A336C6B92
int start() {
   int Li_4;
   int Li_8;
   string Ls_12;
   bool Li_20;
   for (int index_0 = 0; index_0 <= ArraySize(Gsa_80) - 1; index_0++) {
      if (f0_3(Gsa_80[index_0], 1) && f0_3(Gsa_80[index_0], 2) && f0_3(Gsa_80[index_0], 3)) {
         Li_4 = 233;
         Gba_88[index_0] = Gia_84[index_0] != Li_4;
         Gsa_92[index_0] = "BUY";
         Gsa_96[index_0] = DoubleToStr(iOpen(Gsa_80[index_0], 0, 0), MarketInfo(Gsa_80[index_0], MODE_DIGITS));
         Gia_84[index_0] = Li_4;
         Li_8 = 65280;
      } else {
         if (f0_0(Gsa_80[index_0], 1) && f0_0(Gsa_80[index_0], 2) && f0_0(Gsa_80[index_0], 3)) {
            Li_4 = 234;
            Gba_88[index_0] = Gia_84[index_0] != Li_4;
            Gsa_92[index_0] = "SELL";
            Gsa_96[index_0] = DoubleToStr(iOpen(Gsa_80[index_0], 0, 0), MarketInfo(Gsa_80[index_0], MODE_DIGITS));
            Gia_84[index_0] = Li_4;
            Li_8 = 17919;
         } else {
            Li_4 = 251;
            Gba_88[index_0] = 0;
            Gsa_92[index_0] = "";
            Gsa_96[index_0] = "-";
            Gia_84[index_0] = Li_4;
            Li_8 = 65535;
      f0_1(index_0, "pair", 30, Li_8, Gsa_80[index_0]);
      f0_5(index_0, Li_8, Gia_84[index_0]);
      f0_1(index_0, "price", 300, Li_8, Gsa_96[index_0]);
   if (G_time_100 != Time[0]) {
      G_time_100 = Time[0];
      Ls_12 = "";
      Li_20 = FALSE;
      for (index_0 = 0; index_0 <= ArraySize(Gba_88) - 1; index_0++) {
         if (Gba_88[index_0] && Gsa_92[index_0] != "" && Gsa_96[index_0] != "") {
            Ls_12 = Gsa_92[index_0] + " on " + Gsa_80[index_0] + " @ " + Gsa_96[index_0];
            if (Ls_12 != "") {
               Li_20 = TRUE;
      if (Li_20) PlaySound("alert.wav");
   return (0);


bachapk's avatar
bachapk · 9 years ago


I can help you.

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event · 9 years ago


I can help you.
