Depth Of Market Totals For the given Time Period

Created at 11 Mar 2015


Joined 11.03.2015




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Hi, hope someone gets interested. Infact i have a simple idea. Maybe there is already one but i could not find.

With every tick the depth of market show some data. I want to see the data totals for the given period with some calculations.


Volume Totals for buyers and sellers - (ie: 15min chart)

More Buyers or More Sellers? (as volume)

Targeted top price (again based on volume of buyers and seller) 


I have no idea what should i pay as this is not a auto trade bot. But i believe this indicator would be loved and vvery useful for the ctrader community as we already have market depth function in ctrader. So i believe this usage would be amazing. AND i would like to pay to support this.


Or i can donate via paypal? Hope some developer trader gets interested with the idea.



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olddirtypipster's avatar
olddirtypipster · 9 years ago

I have implemented a feature such as this.

Market depth is streamed directly to mysql for storage. Simultaneously, the stream is crunched in realtime using CUDA tech.

My company can assist you with this, but not at this asking price.