hedging cBot

Created at 05 Oct 2023


Joined 17.10.2017




50.00 CAD

Payment Method

Direct Payment

Job Description

need a Bot for my hedging strategy

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NelsonFernando's avatar
NelsonFernando · 11 months ago
Hello fkherbou, I saw your advertisement regarding the need for a bot for your hedge strategy and I am interested in developing this solution for you. With a budget of 50 Canadian dollars, I believe we can work together to create an efficient bot that meets the needs of your strategy. I would like to know more about the specific details of your hedge strategy: what are the criteria for opening and closing positions, the frequency of operations, risk parameters, among other relevant aspects. This information is essential to ensure that the bot is customized according to your needs and expectations. I am available to discuss your project further and start working on it as soon as possible. You can contact me by email at nelsonfernandomz@gmail.com, on Telegram @NelsonFernandoTrader, or on WhatsApp at +55 43 98402-5828. I eagerly await the opportunity to collaborate with you on this project. Sincerely, Nelson Fernando Email: nelsonfernandomz@gmail.com Telegram: @NelsonFernandoTrader WhatsApp: +55 43 98402-5828
PanagiotisChar's avatar
PanagiotisChar · 1 year ago
Hi there, We can help you with your project. Feel free to reach out to me at development@clickalgo.com