I want to convert trading view script to ctrade script it use hikanshi candles and linear regression candles

Created at 02 Sep 2023


Joined 02.09.2023




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//Humble Linear Regression Candles - ugurvu


indicator(title='SRC', shorttitle='SRC', format=format.price, max_labels_count=100, precision=4, overlay=true)

SC = input(title='Show Candles', defval=true)

signal_length = input.int(title='Smoothing', minval=1, maxval=200, defval=9)

sma_signal = input(title='Simple MA', defval=true)

lin_reg = input(title='Lin Reg', defval=true)

linreg_length = input.int(title='Linear Regression Length', minval=1, maxval=200, defval=15)


// Linear Regression

bopen = lin_reg ? ta.linreg(open, linreg_length, 0) : open

bhigh = lin_reg ? ta.linreg(high, linreg_length, 0) : high

blow = lin_reg ? ta.linreg(low, linreg_length, 0) : low

bclose = lin_reg ? ta.linreg(close, linreg_length, 0) : close


r = bopen < bclose


signal = sma_signal ? ta.sma(bclose, signal_length) : ta.ema(bclose, signal_length)


plotcandle(r ? bopen : na, r ? bhigh : na, r ? blow: na, r ? bclose : na, title="LinReg Candles", color= color.green, wickcolor=color.green, bordercolor=color.green, editable= true)

plotcandle(r ? na : bopen, r ? na : bhigh, r ? na : blow, r ? na : bclose, title="LinReg Candles", color=color.red, wickcolor=color.red, bordercolor=color.red, editable= true)


plot(signal, color=color.white)

colorChanged = ta.change(r)


alertcondition(colorChanged, title="Color Change Alert", message="Candle color changed!")


redToGreen = ta.crossover(r ? 1 : 0, r ? 0 : 1)

greenToRed = ta.crossover(r ? 0 : 1, r ? 1 : 0)


alertcondition(redToGreen, title="Red to Green Alert", message="Candle changed from Red to Green!")

alertcondition(greenToRed, title="Green to Red Alert", message="Candle changed from Green to Red")

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withnail3 · 2 days ago
Was this job ever completed? I would also like to have this pinescript indicator for ctrader...
JosephTradingbot's avatar
JosephTradingbot · 1 year ago
Hi, I can do that for you. with several years of experience in programming and forex analysis and trading. Email: joseph.tradingbot@gmail.com Telegram: @iamjosepe