convert indi to multi time frame

Created at 02 Dec 2021


Joined 07.11.2018




50.00 EUR

Payment Method

Direct Payment

Job Description

`i want to be able to display the information from a daily onto any other timeframe.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;

namespace cAlgo

    [Indicator(IsOverlay = true, TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class SideImbalance : Indicator
        [Parameter("Min Size (Pips)", Group = "Overnight Spread", DefaultValue = 0, MinValue = 0, Step = 0.1)]
        public double GapMinSizePips { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Color", Group = "Overnight Spread", DefaultValue = "Lime")]
        public string GapColor { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Opacity", Group = "Overnight Spread", DefaultValue = 50, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 255, Step = 1)]
        public double GapOpacity { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Remove History?", Group = "Overnight Spread")]
        public bool GapRemoveHistory { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Min Size (Pips)", Group = "Zone", DefaultValue = 0, MinValue = 0, Step = 0.1)]
        public double ZoneMinSizePips { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Break by wicks?", Group = "Zone")]
        public bool ZoneBreakByWicks { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Up Color", Group = "Zone", DefaultValue = "DodgerBlue")]
        public string ZoneUpColor { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Down Color", Group = "Zone", DefaultValue = "Magenta")]
        public string ZoneDownColor { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Opacity", Group = "Zone", DefaultValue = 30, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 100, Step = 1)]
        public double ZoneOpacity { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Remove History?", Group = "Zone")]
        public bool ZoneRemoveHistory { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Thickness", Group = "Zone Line", DefaultValue = 1, MinValue = 0)]
        public int ZoneLineThickness { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Style", Group = "Zone Line", DefaultValue = LineStyle.Solid)]
        public LineStyle ZoneLineStyle { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Opacity", Group = "Zone Line", DefaultValue = 100, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 255, Step = 1)]
        public double LineOpacity { get; set; }

        private class Colors
            public Color GapZone { get; set; }
            public Color GapLine { get; set; }
            public Color UpZone { get; set; }
            public Color UpLine { get; set; }
            public Color DownZone { get; set; }
            public Color DownLine { get; set; }

            public static Color Get(string color, double opacity)
                var baseColor = color[0] == '#' ? Color.FromHex(color) : Color.FromName(color);
                return Color.FromArgb((int)(opacity * 2.55), baseColor.R, baseColor.G, baseColor.B);

        public class Zone
            public bool IsGap { get; set; }
            public ChartTrendLine Line { get; set; }
            public ChartRectangle Rectangle { get; set; }
            public List<ChartRectangle> Rectangles { get; set; }

        public List<Zone> UpZones, DownZones;

        private int _index;
        private double _gapMinSize, _zoneMinSize;
        private Colors _colors;

        protected override void Initialize()

            UpZones = new List<Zone>();
            DownZones = new List<Zone>();

            _gapMinSize = GapMinSizePips * Symbol.PipSize;
            _zoneMinSize = ZoneMinSizePips * Symbol.PipSize;
            _colors = new Colors 
                GapZone = Colors.Get(GapColor, GapOpacity),
                GapLine = Colors.Get(GapColor, LineOpacity),
                UpZone = Colors.Get(ZoneUpColor, ZoneOpacity),
                UpLine = Colors.Get(ZoneUpColor, LineOpacity),
                DownZone = Colors.Get(ZoneDownColor, ZoneOpacity),
                DownLine = Colors.Get(ZoneDownColor, LineOpacity)

        public override void Calculate(int index)

            if (index < 3)

            if (ZoneBreakByWicks)

            if (_index < index)
                _index = index;

                if (!ZoneBreakByWicks)
                    BreakZonesByBar(Bars[index - 1]);

                OnBarClosed(index - 1);

        private void OnBarClosed(int index)
            var bars = new[] 
                Bars[index - 1],
                Bars[index - 2]

            if (Math.Abs(bars[0].Open - bars[1].Close) >= _gapMinSize)
                var max = Math.Max(bars[0].Open, bars[1].Close);
                var min = Math.Min(bars[0].Open, bars[1].Close);

                DrawGap("gap", index, min, max, bars[0].Close > (min + max) / 2);

            if (bars[1].Low - bars[0].High >= _zoneMinSize)
                DrawGap("a-down-zone", index, bars[0].High, bars[1].Low, false);

            if (bars[2].Low - bars[0].High >= _zoneMinSize)
                DrawGap("b-down-zone", index, bars[0].High, bars[2].Low, false);

            if (bars[0].Low - bars[1].High >= _zoneMinSize)
                DrawGap("a-up-zone", index, bars[1].High, bars[0].Low, true);

            if (bars[0].Low - bars[2].High >= _zoneMinSize)
                DrawGap("b-up-zone", index, bars[2].High, bars[0].Low, true);

        private void DrawGap(string tag, int index, double y1, double y2, bool isUpZone)
            var isGap = tag.Contains("gap");

            var time1 = Bars[index].OpenTime;
            var time2 = Time.AddYears(100);

            Color zoneColor, lineColor;

            if (isGap)
                zoneColor = _colors.GapZone;
                lineColor = _colors.GapLine;
            else if (isUpZone)
                zoneColor = _colors.UpZone;
                lineColor = _colors.UpLine;
                zoneColor = _colors.DownZone;
                lineColor = _colors.DownLine;

            tag = index + "_" + tag;

            var median = (y1 + y2) / 2;
            var line = Chart.DrawTrendLine("line_" + tag, time1, median, time2, median, lineColor, ZoneLineThickness, ZoneLineStyle);
            line.ExtendToInfinity = true;

            var zone = Chart.DrawRectangle("zone_" + tag, time1, y1, time2, y2, zoneColor, 0);
            zone.IsFilled = true;
            zone.ZIndex = -100;

            var rect = Chart.DrawRectangle(tag, time1, y1, time2, y2, zoneColor, 0);
            rect.IsFilled = true;
            rect.ZIndex = -1;

            if (isUpZone)
                UpZones.Add(new Zone 
                    IsGap = isGap,
                    Line = line,
                    Rectangle = rect,
                    Rectangles = new List<ChartRectangle> 
                DownZones.Add(new Zone 
                    IsGap = isGap,
                    Line = line,
                    Rectangle = rect,
                    Rectangles = new List<ChartRectangle> 

        private void BreakZonesByBar(Bar bar)
            var time = bar.OpenTime;
            var upBreakPrice = Math.Min(bar.Open, bar.Close);
            var downBreakPrice = Math.Max(bar.Open, bar.Close);

            foreach (var zone in UpZones.ToArray())
                var breaker = !zone.IsGap && ZoneBreakByWicks ? bar.Low : upBreakPrice;
                var removeHistory = zone.IsGap ? GapRemoveHistory : ZoneRemoveHistory;

                if (zone.Rectangles[0].Y2 <= breaker)

                var rect = zone.Rectangles[0];
                rect.Time2 = time;

                if (rect.Y1 < breaker - _zoneMinSize + Symbol.TickSize)
                    var newRect = Chart.DrawRectangle(rect.Name + "X", time, rect.Y1, time.AddYears(100), breaker, rect.Color, 0);
                    newRect.IsFilled = true;
                    newRect.ZIndex = -1;

                    zone.Rectangles.Insert(0, newRect);
                    if (removeHistory)
                        zone.Rectangles.ForEach(x => Chart.RemoveObject(x.Name));
                        zone.Line.Time2 = time;
                        zone.Line.ExtendToInfinity = false;

                        zone.Rectangle.Time2 = time;


            foreach (var zone in DownZones.ToArray())
                var breakPrice = !zone.IsGap && ZoneBreakByWicks ? bar.High : downBreakPrice;
                var removeHistory = zone.IsGap ? GapRemoveHistory : ZoneRemoveHistory;

                if (zone.Rectangles[0].Y1 >= breakPrice)

                var rect = zone.Rectangles[0];
                rect.Time2 = time;

                if (rect.Y2 > breakPrice + _zoneMinSize - Symbol.TickSize)
                    var newRect = Chart.DrawRectangle(rect.Name + "X", time, breakPrice, time.AddYears(10), rect.Y2, rect.Color, 0);
                    newRect.IsFilled = true;
                    newRect.ZIndex = -1;

                    zone.Rectangles.Insert(0, newRect);
                    if (removeHistory)
                        zone.Rectangles.ForEach(x => Chart.RemoveObject(x.Name));
                        zone.Line.Time2 = time;
                        zone.Line.ExtendToInfinity = false;

                        zone.Rectangle.Time2 = time;



viniciustaparosky · 3 years ago



I can do that.

Contact me on WhatsApp, please:

(+55) 41985051801


Vinicius Taparosky

4xDev's avatar
4xDev · 3 years ago

My name is Mike from 4xdev. I am a member of the 4xdev development company, specialized in creating trading tools:
custom indicators, EAs, scripts, bots, alerts, cAlgo, cBots, etc.

We have a great experience in a сTrader platform.
Our clients are satisfied with the quality of our work and repeatedly contact us after completing an order to optimize their own cAlgos.
You can see reviews of us at and, and our website

We can help you with your project. Please let me know if you are interested:

We offer the rate in the amount of $60 per hour, including the work of our programmers and QA-engineer.
The cost starts from $300 on average.

Looking forward to hearing from you.'s avatar · 3 years ago

Hi. I can do that.

Telegram: @bienveP
