Use AI help your cTrader coding

Created at 16 Jan 2023, 23:23
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Use AI help your cTrader coding
16 Jan 2023, 23:23

Hi everyone,

Recently, I found an attractive website, which could be helpful for your coding and trading. No matter whether you are a newbie of cTrader or an advanced algor trading developer.

Below are some of my chat with the AI:


17 Jan 2023, 09:21

Hi all,

My personal experience is that ChatGPT is not there yet when it comes to cTrader Automate. Most of the times, the generated code is nonsense, it does not build and it's misleading.

Aieden Technologies

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08 Feb 2023, 03:58

I have a look at it and what i can say is the AI not yet efficiently gives the ctrader programming ability, because the code it provide still need to correct manually.


24 Feb 2024, 12:42

RE: Use AI help your cTrader coding

matfx said: 

I have a look at it and what i can say is the AI not yet efficiently gives the ctrader programming ability, because the code it provide still need to correct manually.


I'm not a programmer but have some ability to read and create cAlgo code.

I'd be really interested to hear and share ideas on using AI/GPT/LLM to write, analyze and debug cAgo code. Things are moving super fast in 2024, so what seem now unfeasible might be doable in a months time.




24 Feb 2024, 12:42 ( Updated at: 03 Mar 2024, 20:12 )






03 Mar 2024, 20:27 ( Updated at: 04 Mar 2024, 06:32 )

RE: Use AI help your cTrader coding

PanagiotisChar said: 

Hi all,

My personal experience is that ChatGPT is not there yet when it comes to cTrader Automate. Most of the times, the generated code is nonsense, it does not build and it's misleading.

Aieden Technologies

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Hi Panagiotis,

LLMs and AI/machine learning are growing an incredible exponential speed. Chat GPT 4 today is much more able to handle cAlgo than it was a couple of months ago.
I have personally started a custom  GPT project named: "cTrader cAlgo Navigator". My goal is to build ChatGPT 4 plugin to write cAlgo code using all available resources. I'm planning to publish this plugin for general use as soon as I have managed to teach it the necessary knowledge and to prompt engineer it for optimal performance. For this project, I would need to start with the first step of Dataset Compilation which would consist of:

1) Collect Code Samples: Gather a diverse set of C# code samples specifically used in cBots and indicators within cAlgo/cTrader. This collection should include examples ranging from simple indicators to complex trading bots employing various trading strategies.

2) Incorporate Documentation: Include official cAlgo/cTrader API documentation excerpts, tutorials, and community-contributed code snippets. This ensures the model learns from authoritative and practical sources.

3) Annotate for Context: Annotate code samples with explanations of their functionality, the trading strategy they implement, and any cAlgo/cTrader-specific features they use. Annotations should be clear and concise, aiding the model in understanding the purpose and context of each code block.


Is there any way you could help we to gather the above-mentioned information? I believe JSON format would be a good way to input this data to the GPT.
