What Community Help stands for (and what it does not)

Created at 16 Jan 2023, 11:05
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Joined 15.09.2022

What Community Help stands for (and what it does not)
16 Jan 2023, 11:05

Fellow traders,

This has been always an issue, but with the release of ChatGPT, it converted into a storm. The forum has been flooded with posts of the "Please fix this" type. People not familiar with coding, trying to build bots on ChatGPT (used to be a copy-paste artisanship in the past) and then asking real people to finish the job. So maybe it's time to explain clearly what communities stand for.

In a nutshell, communities are built around the principle

"I spend 1 minute of my time, to save hours of your time. I expect you do this when my turn comes and this way we grow together and faster"

Within the given context, the community members are very happy to answer and help with inquiries given in the following format

  • What is A and B?
  • What method of the API does A and B? or is there a method doing A and B?
  • Are there any resources explaining A and B?
  • Can you provide an example of A and B?
  • What do you think about A and B or what are your experiences with A and B?

Communities are not

  • A source of free labor
  • A free crowdsourcing resource

Therefore, posts in the following format are somewhat disrespectful

  • I need a strategy that does ( quoting 20 lines of requirements). Can somebody do it?
  • Please fix, doesn't work (pasting 200 lines of non sensical source code).
  • What's the problem here (quoting 100 lines of source code that doesn't build and generates 10 self explanatory errors)?

If all you need is just help, then just convert your questions from the second format to the first format and we are more than happy to help you use the platform and make your life easier with cTrader. However we are not very happy to work for free, so if you don't make it easy for us to help, your posts will probably remain unanswered :)

With regards,

An active community member! 

Aieden Technologies

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