cBot Engulfing, free for all, free forever

Created at 23 Nov 2018, 09:12
How’s your experience with the cTrader Platform?
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Joined 19.07.2018

cBot Engulfing, free for all, free forever
23 Nov 2018, 09:12

Hi all,

this is the Christmas present of our team, we recommend that you optimize the parameters every 2 months for a period of 6 months, you can use it on all timeframe for all the cross https://ctrader.guru/downloads/engulfing/

We are working on a multilingual site, if you want to collaborate write to info@ctrader.guru



Some users who can not read Italian have had problems with the download, the procedure is really very simple, follow this image https://i.imgur.com/by7xRxV.jpg



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