Setting colors for trades
Created at 19 May 2013, 09:31
Setting colors for trades
19 May 2013, 09:31
I thought it would be cool to have the ability to set a color for a trade like you set a label...
25 May 2013, 08:03
meant like this:
var SellPairStopOrder = new StopOrderRequest(TradeType.Sell, TradeVol, PiviotPrice) {Label="SellPairOrder", StopLoss=PiviotPrice+(orderTradeSL*Symbol.PipSize), TakeProfit=PiviotPrice-(orderTradeTP*Symbol.PipSize)+Symbol.Spread, Expiration = pendingOrderExp}; Trade.Send(SellPairStopOrder);
when you create the trade you have a color parameter and set it.
var SellPairStopOrder = new StopOrderRequest(TradeType.Sell, TradeVol, PiviotPrice) {Label="SellPairOrder", StopLoss=PiviotPrice+(orderTradeSL*Symbol.PipSize), TakeProfit=PiviotPrice-(orderTradeTP*Symbol.PipSize)+Symbol.Spread, Expiration = pendingOrderExp, Color=Color.Red}; Trade.Send(SellPairStopOrder);
thought it might be cool when having trades executed by different robots or different criteria within a robot, you can easily identifiy a trade.
23 May 2013, 12:14
Thanks, but where do you suggest to use this ccolor? On a chart?
We do not plan to implement something like this in the nearest future,