Could I turn off the Free Chart Moving

Created at 09 Dec 2015, 14:11
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Joined 08.08.2013

Could I turn off the Free Chart Moving
09 Dec 2015, 14:11

Hi, the Free Chart Moving bothering me when I want to move the stoploss on the chart.

could you set a switch for this?

Thank you very much.


10 Dec 2015, 07:58

Dear Trader,

Thank you for your suggestion. We will provide users with the ability to lock/unlock the free chart movement in the future. Stay tuned.


10 Dec 2015, 14:14

Thank you very much.


11 Dec 2015, 15:47 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )



Add area charts to cTrader


14 Dec 2015, 22:09

Dear breakermind,

Thank you for your suggestion. We will consider it. Additionally, you can post your ideas/suggestions to


16 Jan 2016, 14:25

Free Chart Moving not work in cTrader Web ...

... Hi, after new update realese 15 Jan. 2016, I still not find Free Chart Moving Button or Click or...  :) or is not aviable for WebPlatform ?  ... of course I search 7 days for find how you swich (like in video) between crossHarir and Curssor "shorcut" (middle button on mouse) :) :) ... will be useful a list with hiden shorcuts ...  

.. Nice nice platform cTrader ... excelent one ... and thank you for that :)




18 Jan 2016, 10:51

Dear Trader,

Currently, the free chart movement feature is available only on Trader Desktop. It is in our plans to make it available on cTrader Web in the future. However, we cannot provide you with an ETA. Stay tuned. Additionally, you can post your ideas/suggestions to

