Margin calculation

Created at 17 Apr 2015, 01:43
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Joined 01.04.2015

Margin calculation
17 Apr 2015, 01:43

How about a indicator that shows the margin calculation for standard mini and micro lots and the what cost of each would be.

Its really handy to have on the chart to see what it will cost to take a position.


25 May 2015, 04:44


3xfx said:

How about a indicator that shows the margin calculation for standard mini and micro lots and the what cost of each would be.

Its really handy to have on the chart to see what it will cost to take a position.

it would be even better if the platform could calculate trade-size based on accountsize and stoploss and include the appropriate risk amount in the quickbuttons.


12 Jun 2015, 17:48

Dear Traders,

Thank you for your suggestions. We will consider them. Additionally you can post your ideas/suggestions to
