Add more Color Options

Created at 27 Feb 2015, 21:25
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Joined 15.02.2015

Add more Color Options
27 Feb 2015, 21:25

Currently basic colors like orange and pink are missing, please add a full palette such as this typical one (+black):


02 Mar 2015, 15:54 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )

Custom color picker will be available in next releases:


19 Mar 2015, 18:33

Will selected colors be saved in any way? This is very important. If I chose a random color, such as #98DFCB, I need a way to chose the same color again without having to memorize its code. Something like saving the last 10 colors used would be a good idea.


27 Mar 2015, 16:47


cprcrack said:

Will selected colors be saved in any way? This is very important. If I chose a random color, such as #98DFCB, I need a way to chose the same color again without having to memorize its code. Something like saving the last 10 colors used would be a good idea.

Currently we do not plan to implement such functionality.


07 Apr 2015, 13:37


cprcrack said:

Will selected colors be saved in any way? This is very important. If I chose a random color, such as #98DFCB, I need a way to chose the same color again without having to memorize its code. Something like saving the last 10 colors used would be a good idea.

Would be a nice feature to have.

Also, if the new color picker is coming to cTrader, Spotware, are going to add support for arbitrary colors to cAlgo API?


09 Apr 2015, 11:13

Also, if the new color picker is coming to cTrader, Spotware, are going to add support for arbitrary colors to cAlgo API?

Not yet, only Colors enum is supported. Currently we do not plan to add custom colors to cAlgo.API.


09 Apr 2015, 15:04

You should really improve this color stuff, custom easy to use colors everywhere is a must.


17 May 2015, 04:02


cprcrack said:

Will selected colors be saved in any way? This is very important. If I chose a random color, such as #98DFCB, I need a way to chose the same color again without having to memorize its code. Something like saving the last 10 colors used would be a good idea.

Sorta can be done with workspaces.


10 Aug 2015, 13:43 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )


Now that this has been implemented, how can we chose a custom colour in code? The intellisense when you type Colors. shows only the old colours such as AliceBlue etc. How can we input a custom colour such as Colors.Custom("98DFCB") or something similar?


Spotware said:

Custom color picker will be available in next releases:



17 Aug 2015, 19:54

Dear Trader,

Currently in cAlgo.API we provide only the colors shown in the list of colors in our API Reference site. It is in our plans to provide users the ability to select more colors in the future. Stay tuned.
