Quick Sl And Tp

Created at 13 Dec 2023, 14:29
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Joined 14.09.2021

Quick Sl And Tp
13 Dec 2023, 14:29

Quick Trade SL and TP Should Not Be On The Back Of The App But In Front, Next To The Buy And Sell Button.The SL Shouldn't Be In Pips But a Price Point, Its Easier That Way….Its Hard For Us Signal Providers To Give Signals To Clients When We have to change SL and TP At The Back.

Plus We Would Like To Be Able To Open Multiple Orders In One Click.For Example Most Traders Don't Open Lot Size 1 We Prefer To Open 0.1 x 10.its just how we like it So We Would Like To Open 0.1 x 10 in one click with a SL and TP That's In Price Not Pips.
