More active trade management buttons - "Half Position", "Increase Position 50%", ...

Created at 03 Nov 2023, 02:47
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Joined 11.10.2023

More active trade management buttons - "Half Position", "Increase Position 50%", ...
03 Nov 2023, 02:47

Currently only the “Double Position” button is available to actively manage open trades.  It would be very convenient to have either a few more options such as “Half Current Position”, Increase Current Position by 50%", and even 25% options - maybe even customizable buttons.  

I know this can be done through a different method that is not that time consuming, but the more buttons I have to push while under pressure can lead to more stupid mistakes.

Simplifying the trade management buttons would make it much easier for short term traders to actively manage their trades.

Thank you
