Renko wicks

Created at 11 Oct 2023, 22:11
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Joined 01.09.2016

Renko wicks
11 Oct 2023, 22:11

I found out why I wasn't able to download Posh Trader's Renko wicks algo to my cTrader chart. My older version of cTrader did not have “Custom” listed under the “f” icon, the list of indicators at the top of the page.

When I downloaded the newer version, 4.8.28, there it was and I had no trouble at all adding it to the list. The wicks have been very helpful in designing a bot to trade based on Renko.


04 Dec 2023, 03:57 ( Updated at: 04 Dec 2023, 08:32 )

Would have been nice if you looked through the suggestions first instead of creating another thread to divide up the votes:



Vote in the above threads as well.
