Market Replay Multi-Timeframe

Created at 24 Apr 2023, 23:51
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Joined 11.09.2022

Market Replay Multi-Timeframe
24 Apr 2023, 23:51

Hello! Being able to switch timeframes with market replay and/or having the option of opening several windows with different timeframes. Thanks! 


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26 Apr 2023, 18:04

RE: said:

Hello! Being able to switch timeframes with market replay and/or having the option of opening several windows with different timeframes. Thanks! 


Totally agree! Hope this gets many more votes!


20 Aug 2023, 12:08

Like! Multi-timeframe is necessary for back test


16 Sep 2023, 12:15

Big +1. I probably want this more than any other feature I can think of.


24 Sep 2023, 09:56 ( Updated at: 01 Oct 2023, 09:40 )

Hello, I give vote too for that feature, its will be cool if add it to platform. Because I think many traders work on two or more timeframes and need this feature for there strategy to can make backtesting. Thank you!


25 Sep 2023, 07:09 ( Updated at: 25 Sep 2023, 07:10 )

RE: Market Replay Multi-Timeframe

Azon said: 

Hello, I give vote too for that feature, its will be cool if if add it to platform. Because have many traders work on two or more timeframes I think. Thank you!

Let me add asset switching to the wishlist. Just let me open a new tab, and download the market replay for the same period for a different asset.

That would be the total simulation environment. Many times it's needed to see currency correlations, in order to get a feel about the market situation at that precise moment.


We'll never stop dreaming!! 🤣


03 Oct 2023, 03:52 ( Updated at: 03 Oct 2023, 05:29 )

+1 opening several windows with different tf would be great feature 


03 Oct 2023, 14:09 ( Updated at: 04 Oct 2023, 05:43 )

Saludos, también estoy de-acuerdo en que agreguen multi time frime, para poder tomar mejores decisiones en el mercado, porque con un solo time frime es limitado sacar estadísticas y es la que mas necesitamos.


30 Dec 2023, 15:18

Being able to backtest on multiple timeframes at the same time is a very important option. It will be a good option and absolutely necessary. Sitting on just one chart and backtesting doesn't always make sense.


14 Apr 2024, 02:37 ( Updated at: 14 Apr 2024, 08:02 )

Totally agree. I've just started trying to use replay. I had marked up weekly and daily charts but then the timescale disappeared and the chart went blank. No candles, no drawings. However, the drawings are showing in the object list. Would be great if this worked. 


28 Jun 2024, 15:41 ( Updated at: 29 Jun 2024, 04:11 )

RE: Market Replay Multi-Timeframe

stephenbloxham said: 

Totally agree. I've just started trying to use replay. I had marked up weekly and daily charts but then the timescale disappeared and the chart went blank. No candles, no drawings. However, the drawings are showing in the object list. Would be great if this worked. 


Yes, I was disappointed not to be able to use several Time Units, it's even impossible to backtest for me with my strategy, so I closed it.

