Adjustable Leverage

Created at 12 Apr 2023, 17:37
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Joined 25.02.2022

Adjustable Leverage
12 Apr 2023, 17:37

By default, when creating an account one specifies the (default) leverage. Its very strange that leverage cannot be adjsuted PER TRADE (at the time when placing an order).

At least have the *option* to adjust the default leverage amount with the relevant balance checks, etc. that way if not adjusted then the default is leverage used for those that don't think it's a good idea or want to operate ctrader as it currently stands.


I mean even etoro has this and etoro is not as comprehesive a ctrader.



13 Apr 2023, 09:43

Hi there,

This is available but it is configured by the broker. Better talk to your broker.

Aieden Technologies

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