Indicators in background

Created at 20 Mar 2023, 12:08
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Joined 05.11.2019

Indicators in background
20 Mar 2023, 12:08

I'm sure this suggestion has been made several times in the past to no avail but I will make it again. Can you please please please add the option to have any chart indicators (moving averages, trend lines, etc) appear in the background. It is extremely annoying to have indicators appearing on top of and obscuring the price bars. If practically every other charting software package on the market has this feature I fail to see why it can't be done in cTrader. Thank you.


24 Mar 2023, 19:23 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )

Just to seconded this one and show an example

Regarding the indicator list on top of the chart, you guys could do like TradingView, a simple ARROW to collapse/expand the current indicators on the chart.

Otherwise, add the API option to hide indicators is not shown. (unless all other Viewing options)


Chart.DisplaySettings.IndicatorTitles = false;

This way i can code my own ARROW to expand/clopase the indicator list.

Below the current options on the API, looks like IndicatorTitles is really missing without any specific reason:


07 Apr 2023, 08:12

I also made a post with more detail and extent of problem to your post

See Ability to Remove Indicator Names Top Left of All Charts Recently Added

