Multi-platform sync

Created at 16 Nov 2022, 22:25
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Joined 08.03.2021

Multi-platform sync
16 Nov 2022, 22:25

I trade mainly from my browser, but sometimes from my iPad or just checking from my phone when I'm away. For me, it kinda s**ks, that the analysis I've made on my mac doesn't show on my phone as it does for example on tradingview. Could you please fix this? This would be a lovely feature to use cTrader actively!


17 Nov 2022, 23:55


babel said:

I trade mainly from my browser, but sometimes from my iPad or just checking from my phone when I'm away. For me, it kinda s**ks, that the analysis I've made on my mac doesn't show on my phone as it does for example on tradingview. Could you please fix this? This would be a lovely feature to use cTrader actively!

Yeah, this is a must have feature!
