Quick Trade Button Color

Created at 19 Jul 2022, 10:42
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Joined 11.06.2021

Quick Trade Button Color
19 Jul 2022, 10:42


Can you please consider assigning the Buy/Sell Quick Trade button a fixed color. At them moment both turn green or red depending on how to price currently moves. I can't tell you how many times I clicked accidentally on the wrong button in the heat of the moment (scalping on the 5min) and lost money.

Thanks in advance.



19 Jul 2022, 17:05

I would also like to see an option to have customisable fixed colours for the QuickTrade buy and sell buttons. The constantly flashing buttons start to irritate and can distract from focusing on the chart's price action and it would be nice to have the button colours match people's bull and bear candlestick/bar/line/dot colours. I wouldn't even mind if the constantly changing arrows and prices went too. Just two buttons with fixed colours with the words [Sell] and [Buy] on them.


17 Apr 2024, 22:34 ( Updated at: 18 Apr 2024, 11:05 )


Same issue! Bump, I've too made countless mistakes, surely we are preaching some common sense here! Our brains are wired to see Green as Buy and Red as Sell. Also, why is the Sell button on our Left and the Buy button on  our right too? Literally where else has there ever been a Buy/Sell this way around, i dont think there is a single APP out there or broker/exchange website that has it this way around. Weird. Please change it, or give an setting to to simple adjust it correctly like everywhere else? It can't be that difficult to change, why is it taking so long?   Thanks!

E.g. confusing when doing reactive split second subconscious trading :


