Have Markdown formatting on the forum

Created at 27 May 2022, 13:05
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Joined 02.12.2021

Have Markdown formatting on the forum
27 May 2022, 13:05

It would be great to be able to use markdown when making posts on this forum, just like on stackoverflow.

The current formatting options are pretty trash, and there's no convenient way to format code inline. The insert code snippet is fine, but I can't format code using `backticks` like on stackoverflow.

I can't do #Headings, - [x] checkboxes, or anything like that.

IIRC, StackOverflow is using CommonMark

Being able to use Markdown on this site would be a great bonus and would make it a lot easier to make posts, and also would reduce the horror of people posting code in plaintext without formatting and indentation and expecting us to read and understand it.


27 May 2022, 13:09


We are working on a new cTrader.com site which support partially markdown.


27 May 2022, 13:11


amusleh said:


We are working on a new cTrader.com site which support partially markdown.

