Select date and time from historical data

Created at 08 May 2022, 11:00
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Joined 09.10.2020

Select date and time from historical data
08 May 2022, 11:00

It will be great if we could select previous days / months for historical data instead of just scrolling back This is time consuming if you want to take a look at chart say 3 months ago.


09 May 2022, 07:30


If you are using cTrader desktop then you can use Go To Date indicator: Go To Date Indicator | Algorithmic Forex Trading | cTrader Community


09 May 2022, 10:16


amusleh said:


If you are using cTrader desktop then you can use Go To Date indicator: Go To Date Indicator | Algorithmic Forex Trading | cTrader Community



12 May 2022, 10:38

aw vline is the best tool to lock charts at specific time.


But if you want to see low time frame such as m1 or m5 and it's weeks or months back in time, ctrader will turn into a sluggish pile of shit


17 May 2022, 19:11


arbite83 said:

aw vline is the best tool to lock charts at specific time.


But if you want to see low time frame such as m1 or m5 and it's weeks or months back in time, ctrader will turn into a sluggish pile of shit

hahaha Thanks. I'll look into aw vline


10 May 2024, 07:56 ( Updated at: 10 May 2024, 13:57 )

RE: Select date and time from historical data

amusleh said: 


If you are using cTrader desktop then you can use Go To Date indicator: Go To Date Indicator | Algorithmic Forex Trading | cTrader Community

This is not ideal if you want to go back on a small timeframe like 5min.  let's say I want to go to january of 2018 then it would take ages to reach there.  for the work around I use market replay if I want to go that back cuz all the data is loaded and it takes you quickly but you can only have one market replay window and that's limiting.

so this solution is no good.
