Help Centre

Created at 19 Dec 2021, 12:39
How’s your experience with the cTrader Platform?
Your feedback is crucial to cTrader's development. Please take a few seconds to share your opinion and help us improve your trading experience. Thanks!


Joined 17.12.2021

Help Centre
19 Dec 2021, 12:39

Hi cT

As a newbie to cT and trading, but with experience of many other programs, I find it quicker to to have a downloaded guide of the latest detailed instructions to hand on my PC.

This makes it quick easy and less cumbersome than messing about with browsers and a whole lot faster than mithering forum helpers every time you want to learn something new. It also cuts out misunderstandings that waste even more time. Also I have found that I frequently learn some new stuff that I wasn't looking for simple because I'm searching the file, thus boosting the learning rate.

So I suggest that the help centre file be included with the downloaded program, which will be automatically updated whenever the program is updated or at the very least make it downloadable.

Vic Ryder
