Proxy Hostname and Server Hostname

Created at 10 Nov 2021, 11:27
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Proxy Hostname and Server Hostname
10 Nov 2021, 11:27

Please provide the Proxy server name host and Server host name to check the latency and connectivity issues from Ctrader client host using ping/traceroute.

Also this can be used to check with VPS provider for latency before ordering.




10 Nov 2021, 11:30 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )

Hi m4trader4,

You can find the connected proxy host name in Settings > FIX API. See below

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10 Nov 2021, 12:03


Thanks for the reply Panagiotis,

As written in the earlier thread, Have been using the FIX api hostname to check the connectivity, but server hostname is not visible to check the same. There is latency difference between proxy and server latency,


10 Nov 2021, 12:09

Hi m4trader4,

You do not have direct access to the server, you can only connect to proxies. So I am not sure how will this info help. Also we cannot provide the server ip for security reasons. You can see the relevant latency info through cTrader.


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10 Nov 2021, 12:22


Dear Panagiotis,

Why there is latency difference between proxy and server? What i have understood from the forum threads, CTrader client is connected to server for the actual trades to execute, matching the bid and ask. Proxy is price display (ask and bid), historical data





10 Nov 2021, 12:30


Hi m4trader4,

cTrader applications do not connect to the server but to to a network of proxies around the world, depending on the location of the end user. Then proxies are connected to the server through a tunneled connection. This setup offers better security and performance. Hence what you see on cTrader is a) the latency between your client application and the proxy 2)  The total latency between the application and the server, which is the sum of the client to proxy and proxy to server latencies. 

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10 Nov 2021, 12:52


Dear Panagiotis,

Appreciate your quick response, got confused with your last reply

My current latency

Proxy = London-8

Proxy Latency = 11ms

Server Latency = 17ms

CtraderClient --11ms--> Proxy ---tunnel 6ms ---> Server 

So  in totality its 17ms latency for the Ctrader Client.

CtraderClient --17ms--> Server

So how do i choose a VPS provider if the proxy latency is 2ms but the tunnel to server is 10 ms.

While querying Autonomous system number (ASN)  Proxy is in DigitalOcean AS14061, so is it safe assumption that the server is also with DigitalOcean AS14061









12 Nov 2021, 08:52 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )


Dear Panagiotis

I found this info from your website 

Does the info of server hosting in Equinix LD5 is current?




12 Nov 2021, 08:57

Hi m4trader4,

Yes it is.

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