Price Alert

Created at 28 Sep 2021, 09:52
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Joined 11.11.2017

Price Alert
28 Sep 2021, 09:52

Hi, Thank you very much for reading my post !

I was thinking that it would be great if price alert can be included in the API, ie when the price that is set is hit, it can fire an event, or maybe the price can be changed also, like inside OnBarsBarOpened() , and can be created from maybe keyboard event or mousedown event from indicator or cBot , etc, in short, can make it like pendingorders in cBots that has event and stuff like that.

When running multiple instances of cTrader atm, when an alert is hit n say there r 5 cTraders running concurrently, then 5 alerts would pop up, maybe with the event user can have more choices.

Just some personal opinion and I'm a beginner in coding, sorry if I didn't understand its technical difficulty to implement. but thanks for reading
