Free Form charting screen.

Created at 13 Jan 2013, 08:59
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Joined 13.01.2013

Free Form charting screen.
13 Jan 2013, 08:59

I like the cTrader charting package, it has a lot of sensible, straightforward, visual 'featrures' not present on others. Notable is the easy-to-see stop loss/limit lines with pips AND base currency. Well done, whoever thought of that. I have a few suggestions, the first of which is critical for my comfort level and amount of 'success' i have when trading.

1) For me to trade successfully in trend lines i need the chart to be free form so that i can project, some way into the distance. I feel i am stabbing in the dark when i set limits (or stops) a few days ahead, since i can't move that far along the current spot price. At moment I'm using bolinger bands simply to get a bit extra headroom. I'm fairly sure this has been requested by others as fxPro have stated 'it's coming'. So I mention it here to support how critical this feature is (for me). I need to expand that chart and not necessarily see the lowest low, or conversely the highest high.

2) The stop loss / limit lines, while excellent and easy to use have one annoying missing feature, you can only drag the line, at the status information at left, not, anywhere on the line itself. Hardly an earth shattering problem, but annoying since it also gives the impression of a stall or timeout, my chart <> server. Eg no response.

3) When opening a new currency-pair chart, i'd like to do it some other timeframe than the forced 1 hour. It's a little tedious to wait till things settle down, then immediately switch to a more preferred time frame (for that currency). During my trading day, i tend to sniff at up to 20 currency pairs, looking for patterns i am familair with. I need a quick snapshot at say 4 hour timeframes (or 5 minutes) and dismiss the pair if i don't like what i see.  The hard-wired 1 hour chart is doubling the amount of time it takes for me to scan.

Best regards, and congratulations on a nice package.





29 May 2013, 16:38 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )


For the first point do you mean additional empty space to the right? If so you can drag the time remaining tool to the left and reveal more space.


For the second point, it will not be possible because the lines will interact with other objects on the chart.

For the third, we will allow users to set up a default template for opening a new chart, so they can choose Timeframes as well.
