autochartis + economic-calender notifiction in the ctrader-mobile app
autochartis + economic-calender notifiction in the ctrader-mobile app
11 Apr 2021, 14:42
A wonderful idea was implementing autochartist and the economic-calendar into the app.
Unfortunately, you have to look repeatedly actively at the apps so that you don't miss any messages from the economic-calender or signals for patterns from autochartist.
for example here notifications would be very welcome and wonderful. because you always lag behind. with autochartist in real time alert of course, and with the economic calendar, for example 15 min and 30 min in advance. and the notifictians like the existing ones through the app. i know there is also a autochartist app but that works even much worse than your implemented feature. its such a shame.
And since your implementation works very well, I would perhaps find it easier to just include a notification here.
thank you
11 Apr 2021, 17:45
... YR PIONT ?/ #RSA#
.... SLOW