A couple of changes(suggestions) to cTrader Mobile

Created at 10 Mar 2021, 22:06
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alvaro.engpro's avatar


Joined 22.03.2019

A couple of changes(suggestions) to cTrader Mobile
10 Mar 2021, 22:06

Hi cTrader Team, good afternoon

1 - the new bar(4.0 version) on the main screen isn't helpful, the equity, trade open and risk is far more important (slide between them may help)

2 - when in the asset page if I do want to change to another one ctrader mobile shows a lot of possibilities. It would be much better if it shows our current watchlist instead.

3 - multiple charts - > 2 would be really helpful.

4 - sizeable indicator window's + more indicator in the same window

5 - favorite timeframes - There is a lot when we want to change we could set ourselves 5 ones to be easier to change amoung.

6 - option to activate or deactivate autochartist

These are my suggestions and hope it may help more traders around. 

Wish ctrader team all the sucess

cTrader Mobile