Problem with generating statement to the excel file.

Created at 08 Mar 2021, 13:40
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Problem with generating statement to the excel file.
08 Mar 2021, 13:40

Problem with generating statement to excel.
I encountered a problem generating the annual statement. The four-digit numbers in the Gross € and Net € columns (ie gross and net profit / loss) fit me in a different format in libreoffice. Instead of a decimal point format (comma) to a decimal point format (dot). Therefore, when calculating the amount, I did not use the numbers compared to the numbers in the cTrader platform itself. It took me a while to figure out where the problem was. I don't know what creates this, whether it's the listing generator in cTrader or the Libreoffice thing. In any case, it is very annoying when a person does not know how to deal with something, so I move this information so that a similar situation does not have to be repeated with another user.

problem with decimal point format.


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13 Mar 2021, 19:37 ( Updated at: 13 Mar 2021, 19:40 )


vermaraj7101 said:

Damm even I am having...

I manually rewrote the dots after the commas and so I solved it, fortunately I only had a few trades that exceeded 1000 and were therefore four digits long.  I can't imagine if I had to rewrite every kind of business there.  The developers can definitely fix this.  I not sure if they are following this forum.  How else to send them a bug fix?


16 Mar 2021, 08:34

Hi selesradovan,

The supported export format is .xls and the supported application is Excel. Can you reproduce this problem using Excel?

Best Regards,


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