Stay In Drawing Mode

Created at 27 Feb 2021, 16:09
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Joined 27.02.2021

Stay In Drawing Mode
27 Feb 2021, 16:09

It becomes quite tedious and redundant to have to manually select a drawing each time you want to use it especially if you are using the same drawing multiple. Please add the ability to "stay in drawing mode" that will allow us to continue to use the last used drawing multiple times without having to manually select it each individual time. An alternative to this would be hot keys that can be mapped to drawings like NinjaTrader has. 


03 Mar 2021, 01:35


ftmo1613208989 said:

It becomes quite tedious and redundant to have to manually select a drawing each time you want to use it especially if you are using the same drawing multiple. Please add the ability to "stay in drawing mode" that will allow us to continue to use the last used drawing multiple times without having to manually select it each individual time. An alternative to this would be hot keys that can be mapped to drawings like NinjaTrader has. 

It will be useful also to have hot keys for drawings and tools.  Customizable hot keys will be great. 
