Customize Individual Fibonacci Levels

Created at 27 Feb 2021, 16:02
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Joined 27.02.2021

Customize Individual Fibonacci Levels
27 Feb 2021, 16:02

Adding the fibonacci retracement drawing tools was a great step, but this is unusable for traders employing a fibonacci strategy if we cannot edit the look of each individual level. When multiple fib drawings are added to a chart, they become clustered and the levels become undistinguishable from each other and this makes it impossible to use. For that reason, this feature is found on almost all other major charting platforms.  Please add the ability to customize each individual retracement level in the fib tool with different line types, colors, and the ability to move the prices and level names to the left instead of the right of the ray because they also become clustered. 



11 Apr 2021, 21:59

Please do this change ASAP

A very much needed change in fib tool.


22 May 2021, 17:27

This is definitely a basic characteristic that needs to be added. 

Using Fibonacci means a LOT of lines on the screen. It is really necessary to be able to customize each line (at least the colour and thickness of it).

This is very easy to implement and makes the tool more professional and useful. 

Looking forward to seeing this implemented soon.




22 May 2021, 17:44 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )


We have added a Fibonacci Retracement tool and all other Fibonacci patterns on new version of pattern drawing indicator:

In this version you can modify the levels appearance and level percentages.

The new version of pattern drawing indicator and a separate Fibonacci drawing only indicator will be released in upcoming weeks.


22 May 2021, 18:07


That is good news. Thanks for letting us know, Amusleh. We appreciate it. By the way: 

1) I understand that the version that includes Fibonacci is still not released. Would you be kind enough to let us know in this thread once you have released it? It will be useful also for people that come later to this thread. 


2) It would still be great if the drawing tool (Fibonacci Retracement) of the platform is updated. That will make it easier for new users and also avoid the need of loading a extra indicator on the chart. 



27 May 2021, 22:18


Hi amusleh,


will the new "Fibonacci drawing only indicator" have levels that can be extended all the way to the right? And can I change timeframes without loosing the drawings?





28 May 2021, 08:51


chris07 said:

Hi amusleh,


will the new "Fibonacci drawing only indicator" have levels that can be extended all the way to the right? And can I change timeframes without loosing the drawings?





By default it doesn't extend the lines to infinity, but you can select a level and tick its extend to infinity checkbox and it will be extended to infinity.

Regarding changing time frames, if you change time frame all your drawing will be there on the sample location, it will not disappear.


28 May 2021, 21:43


Thank you for answering, amusleh!



01 Jun 2021, 16:16

Hi everyone,

We released the Fibonacci drawing indicator, you can download it from here: 

If you have any question or suggestion please leave a comment on indicator page, and I will reply back.
