Trade using Trend line

Created at 05 Sep 2014, 00:08
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Joined 20.07.2014

Trade using Trend line
05 Sep 2014, 00:08

  I think it will be great if the traders are able to trade directly from trend lines they draw on the charts  i.e the trader has the chance to draw any trend line and place orders as the price touch the trend line and if kind of function is to be available for cBot it will be nice   


25 Dec 2014, 04:26

Thank you . I also support this request to add functionality of reading trend line value of a specific bar. For a reference it is already implemented in mt4 (


04 Jan 2015, 05:11

I agree. This would be an awesome new feature. I know that Spotware has been planning this for over a year now.

I think it would be a great idea to enable all objects to be c# readable from the chart not just trend lines...
