Sugestão de desenvolvimento

Created at 04 Jan 2013, 15:31
How’s your experience with the cTrader Platform?
Your feedback is crucial to cTrader's development. Please take a few seconds to share your opinion and help us improve your trading experience. Thanks!


Joined 01.12.2012

Sugestão de desenvolvimento
04 Jan 2013, 15:31


Tenho visto várias solicitações de implementações e desenvolvimento em novas rotinas, gostaria de sugerir que fosse elencado as novas sugestões e através de votação pelos clientes teriam prioridade aquelas mais votadas, dessa forma a plataforma estaria sempre em concordância com a necessidade dos clientes.


I have seen several requests implementations and development into new routines, I would suggest that it was part listed the new suggestions and through voting by customers would have priority over those voted, so the platform would always be in agreement with the need of customers.



04 Jan 2013, 15:40

Thank you for the suggestion. We will take it into consideration. 
