Single Click Scaling Out Feature

Created at 29 Jan 2021, 10:50
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Joined 06.09.2020

Single Click Scaling Out Feature
29 Jan 2021, 10:50

Hi Spotwave 

I see a lot of work has gone into cTrader and this could be the Market Leader as mt4/5 could would
never be able to build such a sophisticated product as cTrader has accomplished.

Whilst this a great traders platform using features like scale Up and reverse trade buttons, I'm suprised it's missing
a FaST scaling Out button other than opening new dialogue box, changing position held though multiple clicks
or closing out entire trade all together.

No doubt it would be a disirable feature for scalpers and traders seeking reduce positions size through single click
through predefined percentage or pip so wondered if this feature already be planned for the next release?

* Please give this feature request the Thumbs UP *

thanks for consideration
