pop out open order/history screen & close on chart position tags

Created at 24 Dec 2012, 12:12
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Joined 24.12.2012

pop out open order/history screen & close on chart position tags
24 Dec 2012, 12:12

1 thing that has always bugged me is the fact that I can only view 1 open order without scrolling, and don't seem to be able to pop out/resize like the charts.

The other thing is that when I move a s/l to b/e by dragging it, it disappears being the main position tag... I need to close the main position tag without closing the order (as clicking on the x currently does).


09 Jan 2013, 15:58

Thank you for your suggestions.  Could you please state where exactly only one open order is visible without scrolling?

We are aware of the issue of moving the t/p and s/l bands on the chart and are working on a solution for it.



30 Apr 2024, 10:58 ( Updated at: 30 Apr 2024, 13:59 )

It seems the platform currently allows you to see only one open order at a time without scrolling, and lacks the functionality to pop out or resize the window like you can with charts. A possible solution would be for the platform developers to introduce a customizable layout where users can adjust the size of the window that displays open orders. This would help users monitor multiple orders more easily without the need to scroll. You could suggest this feature to the platform's customer support or development team.
