[Bug:] Logging in from 2nd Desktop Removes all custom indicators from 1st Desktop

Created at 13 Jan 2021, 01:51
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Joined 30.10.2020

[Bug:] Logging in from 2nd Desktop Removes all custom indicators from 1st Desktop
13 Jan 2021, 01:51


There is a problem with how workspaces are saved/synchronised. Saving Workspaces should probably be made optional with a dialog box on shutdown. Also when ever else it goes to save the workspace. To avoid the following BUG:

I installed cTrader Desktop on an additional computer. Logged into my account. Noticed all my custom indicators were missing. Of course because they were not imported yet. Concerned knowing cTrader automatically synchronises workspaces when shutting down (without user permission). I remained logged in on second computer (without custom indicators) whilst starting up cTrader Desktop on main computer (with custom indicators) . Planning to control the shut down order so the last synchronise would be the one containing my desired workspace settings with custom indicators. However on logging in all my custom Indicators (possibly native ones too. I don't use any.) had already been deleted from 36 charts!! :\

So the workspace's get synchronised at points other than when closing down cTrader also.

Workspace saving needs to maybe also be made device aware. As well as user optional.

