Tradewatch - History: Minimum 2 Rows ( so You can Se Realized and Last Position )

Created at 22 Oct 2020, 13:27
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Joined 07.10.2020

Tradewatch - History: Minimum 2 Rows ( so You can Se Realized and Last Position )
22 Oct 2020, 13:27


My feature request is that there are minimum 2 rows for the tradewatch ( when you scale it ), so you can se realized and last position, in "History".

Can the default behaviour be that the scrollbar is at the bottom, so you can see the last position you have. :)

Best regards,

Johannes Hillestad Baumann


22 Oct 2020, 13:58

By the way, forget about that there are minimum 2 rows, but so you can see the last position in "History". :)
