Long & Short position Risk reward ratio tool

Created at 27 Jul 2020, 09:17
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Joined 15.02.2019

Long & Short position Risk reward ratio tool
27 Jul 2020, 09:17

Is there any plans for cTrader incorporate a very much needed tool like the one at tradingview.com which allows u to quicklly see ur targets and risk reward ratio u decide by simply adjusting the SL and TP ?



View. the tool lets u visauly see ur take profits by adjusting riskreward ratio see attachment


30 Jul 2020, 01:45

Long & Short position Risk reward ratio tool

This should have been done a long time ago. The team is trying but this is really needed. We are not asking you to compete with tradingview but it's an essential part of this tool for traders. I saw that it's been almost 2 years people have been asking for this. Don't fail us please.


07 Jun 2021, 12:48

RE: Long & Short position Risk reward ratio tool

simileoluwa.oludare said:

This should have been done a long time ago. The team is trying but this is really needed. We are not asking you to compete with tradingview but it's an essential part of this tool for traders. I saw that it's been almost 2 years people have been asking for this. Don't fail us please.

Their team probably lacks some visionary people !! because it doesnt make sense .. all traders should kjnow how to manage risk to be profitiable yet they dont keep such a basic tool for us.. they are busy implmenting some useless feature probably nobody would ever use !


07 Jun 2021, 22:22

RE: RE: Long & Short position Risk reward ratio tool

You can calculate RR with crosshair or use pending orders. New Order Window is well designed.

Anyway - you can create such tool as indicator, it's not that hard (i created something similar, but it's not for sale). If you are not z programmer, you can hire one.
