Investor safety limit feature

Created at 21 Jul 2020, 20:44
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Joined 21.07.2020

Investor safety limit feature
21 Jul 2020, 20:44

It seems as if some traders who make strategies available on copy trader do not necessarily practice proper risk management. Without being aware of the detail of the strategy, it would be useful if an investor can set his own safety trigger (absolute amount or percentage of capital at risk or percentage loss in specified time). If this trigger occurs, the investor can choose to automatically stop copying the strategy or alternatively receive notification on email that would allow him to manually stop copying.

cTrader Copy

22 Jul 2020, 08:09

Hi ctid438915,

You can check the Equity Stop Loss feature of cTrader Copy.

Best Regards,


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08 Apr 2021, 12:25 ( Updated at: 16 Apr 2021, 11:26 )


tommyproctor37 said:

Being an investor is a really difficult and sometimes dangerous job. So it's really great that now appears some Investor safety limit feature. 

It really was very important to write 4 years later...Any work (well done) is complex and energy-consuming. For many years I worked as an accountant and at some point, I realized that this job no longer brings me pleasure so I decided to become a financial adviser. I was inspired by the specialists from / who helped my mother with proper financial management. At that moment, I realized that I would like to do something similar. By the way, I am already undergoing training.
