Monitoring strategy earnings from copiers.

Created at 01 Jun 2020, 09:09
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Joined 23.01.2019

Monitoring strategy earnings from copiers.
01 Jun 2020, 09:09

Hi everyone,

I'd like to have more info about strategy earnings from copiers, to have a better idea of how my strategy is performing related to earnings from clients.

For example, I'd like to have the following:

1) How much money I have earnt from copiers (better if with a date interval to choose from, or in any case with filters).

2) How much money I am due the current month and when it will be deposited into my account.

3) I suppose this is already the case, but since this is the first live client I have and since this is the first month he is copying me, when the money is deposited into my account I'd like to have the reason as "earnings from clients" or something so that I know from where that money comes from

Probably there are other useful things to report on, but at the moment I cannot think about them, in any case you get the point :)


Thanks in advance!
