Clean up of indicator section

Created at 24 May 2020, 20:24
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Joined 07.04.2020

Clean up of indicator section
24 May 2020, 20:24

I would like to suggest that someone from cTrader be responsible for the indicator section.

A lot of nonsense is being uploaded, without proper description etc.
Besides the Free & Paid tags there should also be a 'Trial' tag because many developers are uploading indicators, but when you download it's only a trial or demo. 

Also on many indicators the 'Download' button will download a 'dummy' non-working indicator and instead you are taken off the cTrader website to other domains where you are required to create a new account before being allowed to download.

Another issue is that in the Formula / Source Code area, the source code does not work when you copy it and paste it in the build area of cTrader. (When trying to build the source code the compiler will usually complain about old source code). 

Also it would be great that once in a while someone from the company go though the indicator section and make sure everything is in order and delete stuff that just doesn't belong there. If the company cannot allocate this resource, it may select one of it's users to operate on a volunteering basis, as long as there is no conflict of interests.  

Slowly but surely this indicator repository is becoming quite counterproductive so there should definitely be stricter rules for uploading.
A proper search filter should also be installed. The available Google search shows ads and the search results are site-wide.
The way filtering is setup now (with the ability to select from only 3 categories - Trend, Volatility & Oscillator), does not really help much. The 'Other' category is just too 'wide' for someone looking for a specific indicator.


Thank you


