Tools and annotations suggestion.
Tools and annotations suggestion.
16 May 2020, 16:42
Hey there.
I just moved from another platform and must say, that I really like cTrade, it's awesome! there is however a few things I'm missing.
1. The abillity to lock annotations on the chart. Like if I have placed a support/resistance line on my chart, it would by nice if I could lock it, so I don't accidently move it. And maybe also choose which timeframes I want to see it.
2. A tool I used alot on the other platform, was the pip-counter. It's was just an arrow you could put on the chart, and it then showed the pip's distance, % etc. see picture below.
11 is the number of bars it span, 1,19% is ofcourse the procentage difference and (8,02) is the difference in this case, dollars - would be pip's for currencypair charts.