Spread display on left hand list without having to open the symbol window

Created at 02 Apr 2020, 02:55
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Joined 02.04.2020

Spread display on left hand list without having to open the symbol window
02 Apr 2020, 02:55

Is it possible to have the spreads display on the header next to the Bid and Ask columns?




18 Apr 2020, 21:12 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )

Totally agree.

robcovntry@bigpond.com said:

Is it possible to have the spreads display on the header next to the Bid and Ask columns?





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27 Mar 2024, 16:39 ( Updated at: 28 Mar 2024, 07:21 )

Very simple and important to add

Yes, plese Spotware, add this simple feature. It's literally useless to have all the bid and ask prices if its impossible to read the spreads in a fast fashion.
