Modifying parameter values whilst cBot is running

Created at 01 Feb 2020, 02:13
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Modifying parameter values whilst cBot is running
01 Feb 2020, 02:13

Could you consider making parameters manually modifyable without stopping the cBot?
Or at least provide some way of sending control values into the cBot (the only way I can think of at the moment is by having the cBot continually reading some file which could be updated externally in order to feed new values in). 

And possibly also allow them to be updated by the cBot so that when you use the gui to examine or modify a parameter value it (if it is one that CAN be modified by the program) will show the current value as set by the cBot program (for instance it might be some stats value continually calculated by prog but also needing to be supplied when cBot starts).

I'd envisage there might need to be a new OnParameterModify callback routine, which would be called when a parameter is manually altered 'on the fly'. Or possibly the value as seen when the cBot references the parameter would just be different than before.

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