Order Panel Automatically Switching to the selected Marked Graph

Created at 21 Nov 2019, 23:35
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Joined 21.11.2019

Order Panel Automatically Switching to the selected Marked Graph
21 Nov 2019, 23:35

(originally I think I posted it in the wrong section, the desktop support forum)

Is it possible - or is there  a bot  - to have the order panel automatically change
to the actively selected market of the graph that is selected/viewed?

Now, you can be on a EU/USD chart, then you go to another tab with GBP/USD and the
order panel is still on EU/USD.

You have to manually change it, or you have to either have your
sidebar with your bookmarks open and click on the matching market, or have to
already have an open order of the market you want to select and click on it
(as it does automatically change to the correct market in those cases)

Would be great to know or have a bot for it as this would greatly reduce unnecessary
extra steps during trading. Esp. when day trading multiple currencies.



24 Nov 2019, 09:49

I think it’s a work flow thing. The best way to do it currently is to symbol-link you chart and active symbol panel and browse through the different currency pairs in the market watch list. As soon as you click on one pair it will populate your chart as well as the active symbol panel. No need to keep to s of tabs open that way. 

my only pet peeve of the described method is chart loading time. Which, in my opinion can be improved upon.
