Don't split lines so much when reformatting source during build

Created at 22 Oct 2019, 23:41
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Joined 22.10.2019

Don't split lines so much when reformatting source during build
22 Oct 2019, 23:41

Especially annoying is the splitting of // comments from the end of their associated source lines to new lines AFTER each of the lines they were commenting about!

This doesn't happen when building in Visual Studio, but occasionally it is useful to rebuild for a quick fix in cTrader, other than the penalty of mangled comments.

The idea is to see as many lines of actual program code on the screen at the same time, so other amendments could be:

Don't insist { has to be on a line of its own - the indentation of the following lines is enough for clarity;

Even a } on the end of a line could be left asis.

Also the behaviour when commenting out a block of code with a line /* before & */ after seems strange sometimes - in that the indentation of the following line is sometimes altered, and the /* seems to be moved to column 1 - I want to be able to comment out blocks by putting /* before the first line, either in the same starting col as the block or possibly col 1, and a corresponding */, without it altering indentation - of the block or what follows it. And another thing!: I haven't found how to turn off the automatic insertion of * (indented one char it seems) if adding another line within the comment block. 


23 Oct 2019, 09:15 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:21 )

You can disable auto formatting in code editor using this setting:
