>>>>>>ADD Indices Dow Jones, Dax, Nikkei, Hangseng etc. CFDs and BITCOIN!! <<<<<<
>>>>>>ADD Indices Dow Jones, Dax, Nikkei, Hangseng etc. CFDs and BITCOIN!! <<<<<<
11 Dec 2013, 16:39
ADD indices, Dow Jones, Dax, Nikkei, Hang Seng etc. CFDs and BITCOIN. Because I guess nobody wants to change the trading platform or go to a another broker, just because they offer that. WE WANT TO TRADE IT IN THE CTRADER! :) Thank you
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19 May 2016, 19:13
With great regret I found that in real account I can not invest in shares! I would be very grateful if you can do this! Thank you!
28 Sep 2016, 15:15
Hello. CFDs for Indices, Shares, ETFs and Powershares are all supported in cTrader and have been for some time now, for that reason we are marking this as completed. Currently BITCOIN is not supported, a new suggestion has been created which is about BITCOIN only. You can find it here: http://vote.spotware.com/forums/229166-ideas-and-suggestions-for-ctrader-and-calgo/suggestions/16401592-support-bitcoin-trading-in-ctrader
We have made a list of a few cTrader brokers (we will expand it soon) and listed what markets they offer. I hope this helps you to find a broker offering the markets that you want: http://www.spotware.com/partners/featured-brokers
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