Make all shortcuts customizable and allow shortcuts for the drawing tools (Cursor, crosshair, lines, fibonnaci,...)

Created at 03 Feb 2014, 19:59
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Joined 13.12.2013

Make all shortcuts customizable and allow shortcuts for the drawing tools (Cursor, crosshair, lines, fibonnaci,...)
03 Feb 2014, 19:59

cTrader Automate

06 Aug 2014, 12:17

That would be pretty cool if you would can add Shortcuts for Draw Lines, Fibonacci, square objects and text.
Something like (Ex. "L" to draw a line. By default this shortcut can activate most useful line like the horizontal line , "F" for retracement fibonacci, "S" for Square, "T" for write a text)


03 Feb 2015, 14:17

this would be a really time-saving features. excellent


... Deleted by UFO ...

07 Dec 2015, 06:06

a must have to save time!!!

also a right click menu item for adding a price alert would be very handy indeed


11 Jan 2016, 09:52

... but not just in PC platform, will be grate in WebPlatform to, to have that shorcuts .. nice ideea .. useful..


... Deleted by UFO ...
15 Jun 2017, 16:59

Yes a Must have for save time and increase productivity

we need this type of customizable Shortcuts